Bilbo wakes to the sounds of the dwarves getting ready

to break camp after a short and fitful sleep. He was still damp and wet, and smelling of Troll and didn’t much care for sleeping on the cold ground. ~ Kili gets the first bowl off food...fills up his tankard, slugs back the first taste of ale...then he looks at his rune stone in the palm of his hand... ~ Bofur begins rebuilding the fire and getting it lit.
Kili: "Ahh brothers...what a great morning." begins to roll up his sack...swallowing the last bit of food.
Thorin was already awake before the rest began to awaken. He was dressed and ready to go, carefully scanning their surroundings.
Gloin: "Those pesky Trolls are fine statues. But we need to get moving, it is a long way yet."
Gandalf: "My friends let us head to the valley. We have to arrive at... urr continue on." He avoids revealing his plan.
Kili listens as he continues to pack up.
Dwalin: Was also ready and studying the terrain. "Da yue think we'll run inta any baduns taday, Thorin?"
Bilbo: Wanted to get as far away from the Trolls as he could in a day’s ride, now with the mention of other 'baduns' even more so, and shouted out. “Aren’t we going in the wrong direction?” He asked offering his opinion “The road to safety, comfort, food, and fine beds is the other way.” Pointing in the direction of the Shire… “The way ahead will surely land us to more trouble!” Gladly willing to risk breaking a whole set of his Mother’s dishes if they all would but return to his home for second feast.
Bilbo realizes no one is listening to him on the dangers that may lie ahead.
Morning passed, as they rode through a wide land of few trees, valleys, hills nor sign of dwellings, just a vast slope going slowly up to meet the feet of the nearest mountain. The path ahead was made more difficult from the dust storms that blew across the barren land.
Catching glimpses of a very large mountain in the distance in between the dust storms, Bilbo asked expectantly, “Is that the Mountain?”. Hearing it was only the beginning of the Misty Mountains, and still a long ways to the Lonely Mountain where Smaug sat over the Dwarves treasure made him feel more tired than he ever, and he returned to thinking of his comfortable chair near the fire in his favorite sitting-room in Bag end, with a hot kettle of tea singing in the background.
He found himself drifting in the saddle, nodding off only to be awaken each time his pony ‘Myrtle’ began to stumble over roots and stones covered by the blowing dust. All Bilbo could think of was food. Second breakfast had long gone by, and it seemed Tea-time would do the same. What was ahead was
another cloud of dust coming his way, But the closer it came, the more he could see the dust was being kicked up by a herd of large hares pulling a sled with an odd looking character in brown rags.
Gloin: "Who in the world is this brown little feller?"
Bofur: "Oh my, what an odd looking chap!"

Radagast: "Gandalf!! So glad I found you..." An odd short wizard on a sled pulled by giant rabbits said as he rode up.
Kili looks around Gandalf to hear a voice of a man in brown addressing Gandalf.
Gandalf: "Radagast! Radagast the Brown! What brings you here so far from the woods?"
Kili mutters doesn't look like much..continues to watch and listen, keeping an eye on on the terrain.
Dwalin: "We ought ta keep movin' " Dwalin muttered under his breath.
Bilbo: Bilbo hears the name and asks " Is this another wizard or a hermit?"
Gloin: Looks at Bilbo "Aye, I think it is a wizard. An odd fellow at that. Maybe a Hermiwizard."
Bilbo: " I thought Gandalf was the only wizard." looking at the disheveled looking wizard, “Is he really a great wizard?...Or is he more like Gandalf who can do fireworks?”
Gandalf: Peers down at Bilbo "I think he is a great Wizard....... well in his own way. He is Radagast the Brown, a friend of all animals and natural life."
Radagast: "Aye, though the beasts are people too."
Dwalin: "Beasts people, what rubbish" Dwalin, who loved meat, muttered to himself.
Kili: "I could take one of those with us.." touches his bow..as he eyes the string of rabbits.
Thorin listened and observed keeping his opinions to himself for now.
Radagast: "Oh Gandalf...the Greenwood is sick....very sick!...not just the trees dying and evil mushrooms everywhere, but spiders, giant ones, some spawn of Ungoliant!"
Gandalf: "Sick you say? Is it near Dol Guldur? I am afraid I found Thrain, but he was taken by a dark shadow! I had to flee and could not find out any more! THRAIN MY FRIEND IS GONE!"
Radagast: "The sickness yes, seems to be spreading from the haunted fortress by the forest streams. The water is sick too, some sort of poisonous magic on it that plays with the mind."
Gloin: "Sickness? Fortress? What is this all about? What Shadow, what is this craziness I hear!"
Bilbo listens to the words of the odd wizard, and wonders if they should proceed ahead at all, after the bad experience with the Trolls. But taking the word of someone who talks to birds, he's not so sure he is one to be listening to. Probably hears voices all the time by the looks of him.
Radagast: Pulls something out of his clothing "I found this in Dol Guldur, Gandalf, a dagger, but not of this world. A morgul blade." he holds it out wrapped in soft leather.
Gandalf: "A morgul blade..... How is this possible. So what we know is true then, the kings were unearthed, a shadow emerges, I will request a meeting of the white council.”
Gandalf: "I see my friend. This is call for great concern, but we have no time to find out more at this moment." Just then Gandalf heard war horns and looked over the ridge. "I Fear Orcs are tracking us! We must somehow get passed them to safety."
Radagast: "Orcs you say? Well then perhaps I can draw them off.".
Gandalf: “For now, safety first!. Radagast lead them away!"
Gloin: "Yes let's get passed them." but looks at the strange wizard. "You plan to distract and have them chase you with a sleigh of rabbits? HAHAHA Rabbits? They will catch you."
Radagast: Gets a defiant look on his face. "These are Rhosgobel rabbits. I'd like to see them try!" he turns his sled and rides off at high speed.

Bilbo watches as most of the Ocrs give pursuit to Radagast and his amazingly fast rabbits. But others come upon the dwarves fast, some riding large wolves that snarled and howled with a dreadful noise. The ponies bolt and buck losing supplies and riders as they run in all directions, leaving all to escape on foot and the ponies to make their own way.
Gloin: "We must get passed them, Kili and Fili can help take them out"
Kili hearing the horn draws out his bow..looking around scouting.
Gloin: "The rest of us, let's move on."
Gandalf: "To those hills over there!"
Bilbo yelps as arrows fly by him and he is charged by an axe wielding Orc as he follows the others on the run, swinging his sword over his head, striking nothing but air, while watching the Orc fall dead on the run from one of Kili’s deadly accurate arrows.

Gandalf: "Here you fools down this pass!"
Bilbo sees a narrow passage in the rocks where Gandalf is signaling them to follow.
Gandalf: "I hear more orcs."
Bilbo follows them, sliding down a deep hole in the rocks.
Elrond: "KILL THE ORCS!!!!!"
Bilbo hears another trumpet blast behind them but more high pitched than the one of the Orcs.
Bilbo: They escape the danger for the moment and leave the Goblins and Orcs behind who do not follow. “Gandalf!” Bilbo shouts, “Why are they not pursuing us?”
Kili keeps his bow ready, his eyes on the look out.

Gandalf: "Elves! They have beheaded the Orcs. Move on through this pass!"
Thorin: "And where exactly does this canyon lead Gandalf?" Thorin looks suspiciously at Gandalf.
Gandalf: "Lead? It leads to safety, away from the enemy. urrrm It is the right path."
Thorin shakes his head at Gandalf with daggers in his eyes. ~ Dwalin just frowned at the whole business, every step of the way.
Gandalf: Looks down at Bilbo. "Do you feel something Bilbo?"
Bilbo: “It feels like magic.” Bilbo says.
Gandalf: "That it is Bilbo. Great Magic. Magic to protect those who enter, and prevents evil from passing.

Bilbo thought that sounded reassuring, but they had not gotten anyplace yet, and it was not so easy going along a narrow passage on the crest of a ridge with steep sides on either side of the rock wall to the ravines below where none would survive a fall. Bilbo was still anxious, as something could be lurking around every hidden corner.
Gandalf: "Walk slow my friends, and think good thoughts."
Bofur: "Well this be a lovely little walk," said Bofur the eternal optimist.
Kili: "I'm ready for a drink and food." Looks to the others, then listens to the conversation amongst everyone.
Bilbo thought it was slow going, even guided by Gandalf, who seemed to know the way pretty well.
Gandalf: "We have arrived. Imladris, in the common tongue Rivendell."
Thorin: Glares at Gandalf. "It seems you got your way after all."
Bilbo: "Rivendell!" Bilbo’s spirits rose at the name, and went up and up as they went down and down a steep zig-zag stepped path into the secret valley of Rivendell. The air became warmer and sweeter. “Hmmm!” he said closing eyes. “It smells like elves!” and heard their songs on the breeze.
Bofur: "what a lovely place. Hope the ale's good."
Kili: Nods in agreement with Bofur and whispers..."You think they have food?"
Bilbo: Seeing the elves dwellings come into view comments “Such lightness of form, as if sprouted from the earth, rather than the hand of a carpenter.”

Bilbo watches Gandalf approach a tall Elf on a mighty stag, and looks ahead at the valley of Rivendell. He marvels at the beautiful valley of waterfalls and running streams, all looked green and verdant, with blue skies above and clouds fluffed up in white cotton shapes.
Bilbo: “I do hope we can spend some time here.” he said, looking at the peaceful valley. From the few elves he had met, Bilbo had found them to be wondrous folk. “To hear their singing in June under the stars is not to be missed!” he commented to the Dwarves who didn’t seem to get along with them nearly as well and seemed to grumble a lot around them, being only interested in the possibility of food and drink. Not that Bilbo wasn’t as tired and hungry as the rest of them, but Gandalf was right. It was a ‘magical place’.
Thorin glowered (and tried to think of a way to counter Gandalf’s plans.) ~ Kili seeing the dissatisfied look on his Uncles face, but remained silent, listening and watching. ~ Dwalin's sour expression had not changed since they had entered the secret way.
Bilbo: “What do you have against elves?” Bilbo quietly asks the dwarves. “Is it because they seem to be singing about your beards being so long you will trip over them?”, he says smiling trying to lighten the mood. Then he heard the elves singing about ‘Bilbo’ eating too many cakes and becoming too fat to fit through a keyhole. "How?” he wonders, “do they know my name or my waistline?"

Gandalf: "Son and guards Imladris. Where is Lord Elrond?"
Linder: nods "Gandalf! Welcome to Rivendell!"
Gandalf: "It is good to see you again. Is Lord Elrond here?"
Linder: "He is indeed. Elrond was on an Orc hunting party and should arrive soon"
Gandalf: "Oh I do hope he..." Then he heard elves on horse from behind...
Elrond: Arrives in Rivendell on horse back around the dwarves. " We’ve been hunting a pack of Orcs that came up from the South. We slew a number near the Hidden Pass. (Elrond gets off his horse and embraces Gandalf)
Bilbo stands back as thunderous hoof beats of large horses with a tall regal elfs atop their mounts encircle the dwarves and Gandalf.
Thorin: Recognizes the elf. "Lord Elrond." and nods.

Bilbo would later learn Lord Elrond was the master of the house and their chief—one of those people whose fathers came into the strange stories before the beginning of History. He was as noble and as fair in face as an elf-lord, as strong as a warrior, as wise as a wizard, as venerable as a king of dwarves, and as kind as summer.
Elrond: "Strange for orcs to come so close to our borders. Something or someone has drawn them near."
Gandalf: "Ah, that may have been us."
Elrond: notices Thorin coming towards him.."Welcome Thorin, son of Thrain."
Thorin nods with wary eyes.
Elrond: "You have your Grandfather’s bearing. I knew Thror when he ruled under the mountain."
Thorin: "He never mentioned you before."
Gloin: Weary of elves.. "Not sure I trust this one!"
Elrond: Says something to Thorin in Elvish "Im on- aes a miruvor, tul- medi-"
Gloin: "WHAT IS THIS! Does he offer us Insult in his lavish tongue!"
Gandalf: "No Gloin... He offers us food and refuge."
Kili almost cheers.
Bifur (Dwarvish): "? Warrev dem derûndân barzulegur ascudgamln." ("Wonders where the food is?")
Gloin: "What do you think Kili, Fili, Oin, all you, can we trust this sprite?"
Thorin could not be angry at Elrond, despite his misgivings about coming here. He nodded. "Thank you Elrond for your hospitality."
Kili:"Probably not..but I am hungry."
Gloin: "Well you are right, he said food. We do like food and could sure use sum. Aye, but keep an eye on them."
Dwalin: "Hmpf" was all Dwalin muttered.
Bifur (Dwarvish): "Werg eowynthir grimstnzborith ? mithrim zeithmen sesti." ("What alot of foolishness these elves are.")
Bofur: "Food, oh how lovely" Bofur smiled wondering where the food was.
Gloin: "Ah, Well. In that case, lead our stomachs onward."
Kili: "yeah!!!!"
Bofur: "I due hope they have ale. Or wine at least."
Elrond: "Come Thorin and Dwarves of Erebor and the hills. We shall offer you a feast."
Bilbo: Thinks to himself, "Finally some civilization, fine food, fine wine, fine plates and spoons, and…fine table manners!"

Bilbo and his companions are shown into a great hall, surrounded by plentiful food and music from elvish instruments. ~ Kili watches pretty elf maiden as he passes.
Elrond: "The table is set. My elves will play for you. Take a seat"
Kili quickly without hesitation grabs some what looks like meat, seeing mainly greens on the table, gives a smirk, the reaches for a drink...His eyes looks around to all the Elven maidens while shoveling food in his mouth..
Bilbo: Rather than wait to be served, the dwarves charge the food table with all the finesse of a bull in a china closet grabbing handfuls of food to stuff themselves with.
Bifur reaches across the table and grabs a handful of multiple items to plop on his plate.
Gloin: "Welcome friends. Feast, eat, feel welcomed."
Thorin eats in silence.
Gloin: "These elves have provided us with much."
Gandalf: "You are among friends. Enjoy the music and provisions of the refuge."
Kili: "I say, these elf maiden is looking at me…" grins at his brothers.

Kili gives his best grin to the Maidens. ~ Dwalin smirked "They nay be all maidens, Kili." he burst into laughter.
Kili: "You seen him looking at me...besides..they don’t’ have enough hair, or width..they to skinny…"
Kili busts out laughing , bangs on the table. ~ Bofur bursts out into laughter when he realized kili had been winking at elven men.
Bifur (Dwarvish): "Fild dûrgrimstvren vik egraz heim os rak dar felrast rast." ("Aye, these elven maidens have too little facial hair to be fetching")
Kili: "Yeah we like our women with more…" jerks his head in laughter, as he drinks back more.
Gloin: "I need some meat!. I feel like one of those rusty about rabbits!"
Bifurbangs the table in affirmation. Aathrid jok fûthmér fild menthiv narrvel ! arn fanghur beor eta ornthrond." ("Aye those roustabout rabbits would put some HARE on those maiden's chest..")
Gloin Laughes out loud!
Bofur: "Oh eat up lads. Greens be good fer yer tubes. Will flush 'em right out."
Kili laughs out.
Kili: "Do they serve anything else besides green stuff?"
Thorin was not fond of salads, but he ate respectfully as he had been raised to.

Gandalf: Laughs at Gloins words. "Elrond, we are on our way to Erebor, The Dwarves will reclaim it."
Elrond: Looks at Gandalf a little stern and concerned "Some would consider such an attempt foolish, after all a dragon sits upon the gold of that mountain."
Bilbo rolls his eyes at the dwarves ogling the pretty elven maidens and making crass remarks under their beards, and turns towards the conversation Lord Elrond is having with the Gandalf, agreeing silently.
Gandalf: "The dark Maia Dragon has sat there long enough. Erebor is important to the future of middle earth, and guards the north, the dale, and the Iron hills. It would be better it is regained and the Dwarves can return home."
Thorin: "It is our right to take back our homeland."
Bilbo senses the air in the dining room turn hotter than the food.
Bifur (Dwarvish): "? Beogh heim brâgha egraz heim encesti." ("Is the Elf Lord giving us offense?")
Thorin: makes a motion to Bifur not to comment on the conversation.
Bifur nods and folds his arm silently resolute.~ Gloin bites his lip... ~ Kili looks to the head of the table listens to the conversation,
Elrond: Looks around at the dwarves, then to Thorin "Indeed it is your right. However do not think I would not wish for the rightful heir to reclaim it. I wish for the Dwarves to once again fill those hills and strengthen us all." He pauses and looks concerned "However is it the right time? Are you strong enough in your group? Is the risk of the Heir being injured or killed worth it at this time? I would not want to see Thorin fall."
Thorin: "Once we reclaim the King's jewel, armies will flock to our side."
Elrond: is concerned again "The jewel may cause them to rise, but please Thorin be careful. That Jewel and that Gold turned your grandfather mad. Like the diamonds gleamed in the eyes of Thranduil, and his losses caused him to turn from the most important alliance formed. I only wish you keep your mind focused, and not allow it to bend you. Are you equipped for this task?"
Thorin: "Aye, I have a company of loyal dwarves with me and many with skill to find the gem. The hobbit in particular can move silently and unseen, so Gandalf tells me."
Gandalf: "My Burglar indeed will be an asset. They have also found weapons as well in the hoard of the Trolls that will aid them. Show him Thorin." Gandalf shows his sword."
Thorin draws the elven sword from its sheath and hands it to Elrond. ~ Bilbo hears the word ‘burglar’ and leans into the conversation Gandalf is having with Lord Elrond regarding the weapons they found at the Troll’s Hoard, closing his hand around his own sword found there.
Elrond: Takes the sword. His eyes widen and he smiles "This is Orcrist, the Goblin-cleaver. A famous blade, forged by the High Elves of the West. My kin.
Dwalin looks on in silence and disapproval as Thorin

shows his sword to the elf lord. ~ Elrond gives the sword back to Thorin then takes the sword from Gandalf and un sheaths it.
Elrond: "And this is Glamdring. The Foe-hammer, sword of the King of Gondolin. These swords were made for the Goblin wars of the First Age" May they serve you both well.
Thorin receiving the sword his heart somewhat softened toward Elrond for giving his blessing to him to wield it.
Bilbo looks at this sword as if to ask Lord Elrond about its name, but hears Kili mutter under his breath...
Kili: "Don't even bother, as the other swords are named for great deeds."
Bilbo: Whispers to Kili “So my sword has never seen battle?” feeling better about it, since neither had he.
Kili gives Master Baggins a look of understanding seeing the small weapon he had in his grasp.
Kili: "I think it’s more of a letter opener not so much a sword at all."
Bilbo quietly puts his sword away, as yet unnamed.
Bofur: Stands and climbs up onto the table and begins a tavern song. "I can fix that" as he begins to sing
Kili bangs on the table with his fist as Bofur gets on the table. ~ Gloin SLAMS PLATES AND CHEERS!.
Bilbo: Eyes grow wide "Oh no, what will the elves think of us now?"
Kili laughs out taking a handful off food, bangs his plates and throws food.
Bifur: Bangs the table adding a resounding percussion to the table dance by Bofur and shouts (In dwarvish): "dem kilf belgond beogh alfrell ana!" ("Aye now this be a feast!")
Elrond: "Well, that was.... interesting.... I forget how Juveni... . Ummm Jovial Dwarves can be."
Gandalf: "They are interesting aren't they, and much needed energy."
Dwalin stiffened as an insult almost slipped from Elrond's lips, but he knew it would not please Thorin if he made a scene about it now, so he remained quiet and sullen. ~ Thorin smiled and nodded to certain elves he had met in the past and shot a warm smile to one harpist in particular. ~ Dwalin noticed one elf he knew here and knew well, a harpist with hair red as cherries. He smiled and winked to her. ~ Kili takes one last drink then stands.
Bilbo could understand the look of bewilderment on the faces of the elves as the dinner party began to ‘wind down’ or perhaps ‘unwind’ would be a more apt description. Afterall, he had experienced dining with the Dwarves at Bag End and thought this went better than expected.
“At least they didn’t blunt the knives and throw the plates.” He said to himself.

Thanks to RPers:
Radagast (BraxtonWilder): Gandalf (MithrandirMaia); Bilbo Baggins (beedle.beedit). DWARVES: Thorin (Borelek); Kili (BloodshroudLord); Gloin (Kavarek); Dwalin (tombombadilLOK); Bofur (drakealexander1); Bifur (Metalsmyth Greymoon). ELVES: Elrond (anthonytorino); Tinuviel (anaischloedesoubise); Eminy (Eminy2655); Ka’lyn (Kahlan Milena); Linder (Nathanel Sommerfeld); Lady Mercy Dwarvenheart (mercyea); Eowyn (DonnaDe); Thangurdir.
PHOTOS: Ka’lyn (Kahlan Milena); Incidental Photos & Videos: Bilbo (beedle beedit). SETS: Gloin (Kavarek)
(Please contact Beedle Beedit with any additions or corrections)