Thorin was seated at a table in the Green Dragon Inn enjoying a breakfast of eggs and plenty of buttery bread. His loyal companions had gathered early there before beginning their journey.
Kili reaches over grabbing some sausages, quickly filling his mug, looking at the fresh bread.. taking one of those as well.. Gazing around the table at his companions.
Bofur: "Well this tavern be a decent one. Decent food, even decent ale." Bofur chirped, ever the optimist, as he merrily ate.
Fili sat beside his brother gazing at a thick cut of grilled steak next to some scrambled eggs and mulberry cheese. Fork and knife in hand he attacked his breakfast with vigor of a young dwarf. Cutting pieces of steak far to large for his mouth and piling on the eggs and cheese.
Oin enters the Inn ready for an adventure today. He looks for a seat among the group and gestures to include everyone present "Good morning! Glad ye all got here!"
Bifur cuts into his sausage with haste taking a bite looking at the others as he savors chewing the well-cooked meat. ~ Dwalin focused on eating and drinking, never one to chatter.
Bofur: "here Kili!" Bofur tosses a sausage to see if Kili can catch it in his mouth.
Kili looks to his brother’s plate seeing the steak, taking his fork stabbing his brothers' steak...while chewing the last bit of sausage, as the grease rolls down the corner of his mouth. Trying to drop the steak on his own plate., then reaches up to catch the tossed sausage "ha". ~ Thorin chuckled with amusement but ate his breakfast without speaking. ~ Fili jabs his brother in the hand with his fork. "No mine." He growls pulling his plate away from his brother's reach. ~ Kili gives Bofur and his brother one of his famous smiles. ~ Oin watches with amusement. He cannot hear what the young dwarves are saying, but he recognizes their antics regardless. Oin laughs and keeps on at his eggs and ham.
Bofur: "Oh sure Kili. Catch it with yer hand. Like that be hard ta do. Next time use yer mouth. Now that'll be something."

Gandalf: "Aww the company has gathered together. Eat well. We have a long Journey to begin."
Gandalf: Looks around. "We seem to be missing a Burglar."
Fili rolls his eyes at Kili turning his attention to back to his steak but making sure to stab his brother if he came near.
Thorin looked up to see Gandalf and nodded. "How far do we go today before resting, Tharkun?"
Oin waves to the new arrivals "Plenty of room at this table fellas! Take a load off and fill yer bellies"
Kili with a mouthful of food, looks to Gandalf, the back to Bofur "Try again Bofur, I am ready" *opening his mouth and bobs his head back and forth*
Bifur laughs as he continues eating shoving the last bit of bread into his mouth grunting trying not to belch too loud.~ Dwalin seeing as others were joining them, grabbed another 3 sausages, just to be sure he got his fill. ~ Fili picking up his plate he moved from the table offering Gloin his seat at the table with Thorin.
Bofur: "here ya go Kili." Bofur tossed another link more or less in the direction of Kili's face.
At Bag End Bilbo Baggins jumps out of bed the next morning to see if the ‘tea party from hell’ the night before had all been a bad dream. There was not a dwarf in sight, and for the most part, the dishes had been stacked and clean, with only one broken! “A miracle”, he thought. But there were still messy pots and crocks to be cleaned the night before, all signs of a hurried rush out the door.
Kili rises out of his seat, cocking his head to catch the sausage in him wide spread mouth....bangs his hands on the table as the sausage finds its way in..chewing it hungrily... ~ Oin laughs again, watching the food fly.
Oin: "Kili and I started bets on whether your "Burglar" will show Gandalf!"
Bilbo thinks to himself “I don’t know why I should feel disappointed that the Dwarves are finally gone on their ill-fated adventure without me.” But it was a little like the feeling as a young hobbit lad when a troupe of circus performers came to town. The flyer said they had all manner of wonderful things to see. ‘Fire Breathers’, ‘Bear Tamers’ and ‘Death Defying Arial Acts.’ But Bilbo missed the show, because his father Bungo never got them tickets. "Foolishness" he had said.
Kili: shakes the coin purse..."who is with us?"
Gloin: "I thinks that Burglar isn't coming. That could be a problem, Something kept saying that's no ordinary hobbit, he has spirit, but maybe I was wrong."
Bifur picking up his cup to drink he rubs his belly feeling full wondering if he should eat more of the delicious bread looking at it greedily
Oin looks about the room at his companions and kin "Who wants to bet on the wee lad?"
Dwalin smirked and without warning shot a sausage aimed at Bofur's face. He passed Kili 3 silver coins to add to the wager.
Gloin: "Dips into his investments. "I have 20 coin that says he won't show now!"
Bilbo had just finished washing up the final pots and crocks and thought to himself looking around the home, stacked plates, and empty pantry’s... “Not this time!” he said, "And at least I won't have to worry about food in the pantry spoiling!"
Gandalf: The Wizard grins.... "Do you doubt my Burglar?" his grin widens.... 'I will match the coin and say HE WILL SHOW"
Oin: "I am betting on the wee fello's arrivel! He has a glint in his eyes that says he looks for either adventure, or treasure, or both.."
Thorin was not overly fond of gambling, but even less fond of insulting his kin, so he handed a gold coin to Kili. ~ Kili gathers the offered coins and places in the coin pouch...

Bilbo looks at the promissory note left on the mantel under the clock and looks at the time. 'Leaving at 11am sharp from the Green Dragon Inn.' In a reaction that he did without much thought, he quickly packed what he could easily grab for a weekend in the country. His walking stick, hat and coat, his pipe and tobacco, and an extra blanket and clothes, before bolting out his front door and heading for the Green Dragon. Stopping at the gate to run back to lock his round green door tightly and write something on the front gate to let others know he would be away on a short Holiday.
Bofur: "A wager? Don’t mind if I do." Bofur said cheerfully and tossed 5 coins to Kili.
Bifur (Dwarven): heim thardsvergûndnzmal ganaht knurlaf knurlaf thorv dûnost hert vargrimst jok narho frekk irânû dar gaml darm beor hort dome ("I will place a bet! I will say he shows! He is a bit of an odd little fellow though!")
Fili: "I agree, he'll show."
Bofur: "Good fer you Bifur. Odd is right."
Kili: catches the coins and places that in the pouch as well.."Thats it ...pff *looks to his brother* "Let me see those coins.
Bilbo ran out his gate and down Bag Shot Row towards the Green Dragon Inn as fast as a shortcut would take him, jumping over low bushes and fences and scaring his neighbors along the way; such as...
Lobelia Sackville-Baggins who shouted, “Where are you going in such a hurry? Running from that throng of hooligans at your house last night? Did they set it on fire? Tell me you saved the silver spoons!”
Bilbo had no time for chitchat, and just yelled back “I’m going on an adventure!”
Lobelia Sackville-Baggins eagerly replied, “Oh make it a long one... like forever!” eyeing Bag End with her covetous old look.
Angelica: Shouts out from the shire "Mr. Bilbo? An adventure? What in world is he saying?"
Bofur: "I am betting he will come, though."
Fili tosses 30 coins to his brother.
Gloin: "AYE. I think this Burglar ditched us. I think he went farming"
Kili places more of the coins in the pouch, giving it a good shake.. ~ Bifur laughs loudly at Gloin’s thought.
Thorin: "HE will not come."
Gandalf: "We should saddle up. Gather your food my friends."
Bifur looking around shoves the bread into his mouth quickly hoping no one sees
Dwalin: "You got that right, Thorin." Dwalin smirked.
Bilbo arrives to see the Dwarves getting their ponies ready, and had the signed note in hand yelling, “Wait for me, Wait for me!"
Bilbo looks relieved to see them all still gathered! ~ Oin laughs aloud!! ~ Bifur looks amazed seeing Bilbo enter The Green Dragon as he's out of breath and gasping a bit.

Gandalf: "Well now. Look who it is. My doubted little Burglar" His grin widens "Never under estimate a Hobbit."
Kili looks as the pouch and frowns...then starts to divide up the coins. Passing the back out.. ~ Thorin had finished and stood to lead the way. ~ Bifur stands brushing food from his chest he belches loudly.
Thorin: "Mr. Baggins??" Thorin stammered.
Kili grabs one more sausage, and downs some drink passing out the coins with greasy hands.
Gloin: "Mr. Baggins? Well did you just come to wish us off?"
Gandalf: "Is that what you think Gloin?"
Bifur laughs waiting to hear what Bilbo says hoping for the best.
Bilbo says emphatically. "No I signed the note! And wish to go on this adventure with you, if you will still have me!"
Dwalin looked at Bilbo with narrowed eyes, still refusing to believe.
Gandalf's smile grows even wider. "That is the Took in you! An adventure in deed, you will defiantly have a mighty one."
Bilbo "I think I will need the whole of my 14th share just to restock my Pantry when I arrive back in the Shire!"
Gloin regrets his bet.
Bilbo: "You did eat me out of hobbit home and hole mind you!" and laughs a little, but meaning it.
Gloin: "Aye we did lad. Aye we did, and it was a mighty good meal. Yet you will be able to fill that hole with the best stock if we succeed."
Bofur Took his last couple bites and joined the rest. "Mr. Baggins has decided he's not afraid of being burned alive."
Gloin laughs at Bofur "Poof." ~ Bifur laughs taking one last drink before setting his mug down
Bilbo didn’t think them funny, but added a witticism of his own..."I guess that is what you call 'boilerplate language' in the contract note you provided!"
Bofur: "Well Kili. I was right, where be me winnings?"
Gandalf: "We'll now bundle some food and let us mount up. Outside."
Oin heeds the wizard's words ~ Bifur nods agreeing with Gandalf goes to grab some food before leaving. ~ Bofur adds more food to his pack, as much as he can fit, before heading outside to mount his pony. ~ Bifur shoves a few apples and pears into his sack with a loaf of bread and follows Bofur. ~ Oin stows his ear trumpet in his knapsack along with some dried meat and cheese before heading outside to hop on his pony. ~ Bifur mounts his pony and pats his neck gently. ~ Bilbo is given a small pony to ride, named ‘Myrtle’ which he did not want as hobbits feet are as tuff as hoofs, and prefer walking to feel the ground under them as they go…but he was pushed into saddle all the same, wedged between supplies, with his pack and walking stick tethered to one side.

Gandalf: "Yes get together nicely."
Bilbo was sweating from running to meet the dwarves, and went to wipe the sweat from his brow, only to frantically start patting his pockets up and down before shouting to the group. “We can’t leave yet!” he said in a panic. “I have forgotten my pocket handkerchief! I must go back!"
Gloin: "We must cross that river I take it?"
Bifur (Dwarven): thorv rast nos hert (“What’s Baggins yelling about?”)
Bilbo: "I shall need a moment!" shouting to the group again louder than before "Can you please wait till I go back for my pocket handkerchief?"
Thorin rolls his eyes. Sure he lost his bet, but would bet ten times that much that the hobbit would turn back before they had gone very far.
Gloin: "Sorry lad no handkerchief, but I think someone her can help yah” ripping off a piece of his shirt "Here lad, use this... it absorbs a lot" he laughed.
Bilbo takes the rather soiled, smelly piece of cloth as a substitute for fine linen, and feels this is not the adventure he had hoped for. Then he wipes off his forehead leaving it dirtier than before. ~ Bifur laughs at Gloin trying not to fall from his pony.
Gandalf: "You will have to do without the luxury of home and handkerchiefs, you will be a new Hobbit after this."

The small band of adventurers, a Wizard, thirteen Dwarves and a Hobbit follow the pleasant road out of Hobbiton, along the East Road past the Green Hill Country of the Shire’s West Farthing, home to Bilbo’s Took side of the family, before coming to the edge of the East Farthing to cross the Brandywine River to Buckland. After long days ride they arrive in Bree for a bit of rest, water and food for the ponies and their riders.
Gloin note? “Where is everyone?”
Bifur looks around seeing no one in sight. ~ Oin finds the hitching post and dismounts his pony. He ties him up with a pat on the neck and offers him a carrot from his knapsack.
Bifur (Dwarven): drâth heim ascudgamln drâth sesti tronjheim bahst isû os bahst had estvarn beor (“odd
there is no one I see! Very quiet, a bit too quiet.”)
Oin: "whispers" a warning to those following him inside"

Tall folks in here, fellas!!"

Bilbo is tired already of the long journey towards Bree, as they enter the town. He waits to see where all are heading. "They said we would be stopping at a watering hole. I thought it was for the horses, but it’s just another tavern with Dwarven ale!" wondering if Dwarves are ever sober.
Gloin: "Come Mr. Bilbo. You need to fill your belly again."
Bilbo: smiles "YES, I barely finished 2nd breakfast this morning!"
Bifur looks around for some ale or mead smelling some food in the air he smiles at the thought of more food.
Oin approaches the bar and orders ale for the whole company without checking first who want what "Ale all around!" He gestures to the group
Bilbo looks at the bread and meats, and partakes feeling famished "Now this is more like a holiday than an adventure, I think I will like it." he things to himself, grabbing the tankard of drink passed to him "Cheers all, and good health!"
Bifur toasts to Bilbo's cheer and takes a long drink of the ale
Bilbo: looks at the size of the tankard and marvels "Much bigger than hobbit size! I could drink on this a week and not find bottom!"

Helka: "Is there a Dwarf convention in town?" The tavern Maid says in a joking manner. "So what will you all have?"
Bifur eyes the tall lady and mumbles a bit
Oin: Ales!! All around Girl! `Oin uses his winnings from the hobbit bet to cover the first round, tossing a couple silver coins to the Lady.
Thorin smiled around to all. 'You all did well today, my friends. We polished off 100 miles already."
Bofur: "Well that be grand! And now 'tis time ta polish off 100 ounces of ale."
Bifur (Dwarven): belgond belgond barzul helzvog vargrimst formv os az barzulegur astim hort (“Aye miss, have you anything a bit stronger than this ale?”)
Bofur: "And that just be fer miself."
Bilbo could not imagine traveling so far in a day. Looking around at the lady, as tall as Gandalf, and the rows of large house outside, he feels like in another world. "So far from the Shire" he sighs, missing his warm hearth already.
Helka places out meat, large pitchers of ale, and bread. "Are you all traveling somewhere? I have rarely been beyond the gate and river, How I wish I could see the world."

Gloin: "Lassy we are traveling far, we must eat and keep our strength up." He looks at Bilbo "Make sure you eat well Mr. Bilbo hobbit. We won't get to stop very often. So take some in your pack."
Bilbo heeds Gloin’s advise and puts a drumstick in his pocket for later.
Dwalin: raised his tankard. "A toast Lads. Ta the leader o' this quest. Ta Thorin Oakenshield!!"
Bifur raises his tankard nodding
Oin scrambles for his ear horn when he thinks he hears the toasts begin "Repeat, cousin??"
Bofur: "Aye, ta thorin!" Bofur joined in.
Oin nods in hearty agreement "TO THORIN!!"
Bilbo stands on the bench to see all, and raises his mug "To Mr. Thorin, the founder of our company and leader!"
Oin adds a second toast "And to the Burglar!!"
Gloin raises his glass with Mr. Bilbo.
Thorin nodded graciously to all of them. He of course could not toast himself, so he would wait to drink until all of them had. ~ Bifur pounds his tankard on the table laughing feeling the ale kicking in and thinking to himself that it was a bit stronger than he had thought wishing for more. ~ Bilbo tries a small belch, and it peeps out as a start to at least feeling like a member of the company. ~ Gloin chuckles at Mr. Bilbo. ~ Thorin nodded to the hobbit too, amused by his unexpected enthusiasm.

Oin nods in response to his brother's suggestion and hops up to look for the water. ~ Dwalin Downed half his tankard, carelessly so some ale would run through his beard and onto his clothing, the proper dwarvish way to drink to someone. ~ Helka the bar maiden is actually happy. She has never see so many Dwarves at once. She hopes she is able to please their appetites. ~ Dwalin then belted out a loud belch to finish it proper. ~ Oin finds no water so he flushes the horn with ale instead and wipes it with a rag from the bar.
Bilbo: looks at Gloin sitting next to him. "Give us a song sir dwarf!"
Gloin: "My songs are a bit ruff"
Bilbo feels a little light headed and starts to recite a song since none have offered."This little ditty, is one I often sing in my Hobbit home...perhaps for something I shall not see in quite a while. For any smell that results, my sincerest apologies.”…THE BATH SONG

"Sing hey! for the bath at close of day
that washes the weary mud away!
A loon is he that will not sing:
O! Water Hot is a noble thing!"
"O! Sweet is the sound of falling rain,
and the brook that leaps from hill to plain;
but better than rain or rippling streams
is Water Hot that smokes and steams."
"O! Water cold we may pour at need
down a thirsty throat and be glad indeed;
but better is Beer if drink we lack,
and Water Hot poured down the back."
"O! Water is fair that leaps on high
in a fountain white beneath the sky;
but never did fountain sound so sweet
as splashing Hot Water with my feet!"

Bilbo laughs and falls down off his perch.
Oin watches the Hobbit take a spill, so he raises his mug and offers another toast "To the Burglar, and the Wizard who brung him!!"
Bilbo staggers a bit thinking the ale of men being much stronger than Bag End Honey Mead.
Bofur joined in the drink of course to affirm the toast, but a little more careful perhaps, than Dwalin. He sees Bilbo fall and bursts into raucous laughter. "Bilbo, yue think yue be fallin' down now."
Oin laughs. ~ Bifur looks over the Bilbo laughing trying not to spit out the ale he just swallowed seeing him flat on the floor
Bilbo hits the floor with a thud, still drinking.
Bifur (Dwarven): gáldhiem darm brâgha dûrgrimstvren carharûg belard hert fanghur egraz thorv tronjheim akh . (“we may need to carry the little fellow the rest of the way!”)
Gloin Chuckles "Mr. hobbit... where ya go? " looks down "How was your trip? Was it nice down there?" Hobbits are light weights when it comes to drinking he takes it.
Thorin laughs for real when Bilbo falls. "Seems our hobbit knows how to have a good time afterall. Perhaps there is hope for him yet."
Oin: "We can tie him to his pony, Bifur! He'll be alright..."
Bilbo stands up a little wobbly, "i will be alright, just a bit tipsy in here."
Bifur laughs at Oin's comment and takes another long drink of his ale finishing it off then setting the empty mug down
Bilbo asks, "Can all of you just sit down and stop swirling around the room?"
Oin waves to the Lady in room "More ale, Lassy.. We're still thirsty!
Bofur: "Well Bilbo now yue belong. To belong with dwarves requires a baptism...Baptism by booze." he laughed.
Bifur laughs with Bofur and nods agreeing
Bilbo: raises his mug "Aye, I will drink to that!" wondering if his pony Myrtle would like a sip.
Dwalin laughed heartily, more so than any had perhaps seen him do in a long time.

Gandalf: "So Bilbo. Are you ready? So far you have gone further then before. Yet we have a very long Journey ahead. You will see much of Middle Earth. Meet many people, and help transform Thorin and his people's lives."
Bilbo: looks at Gandalf "Yes, I'm ready, another day and we shall be there, right?"
Bofur: "And this be about a 20th part of the journey Bilbo, How does that feel?" Bofur ribbed Bilbo.
Gloin: "We have long to go to reach Erebor and reclaim it." He turns to Thorin. "Thorin, we shall enter Erebor!"
Bilbo eyes widen "Oh..." Realizing he will be a long way from the Shire by then and is a bit homesick already. But at least if they stop at places like this along the way, he shant go hungry or thirsty."
Thorin: "That we shall, Gloin, best of friends." Thorin nodded and took a drink.
Helka the bard maids eyes open wide at what she has just heard. "Erebor?" Could this be Thorin, the Prince of the Dwarves? "Thorin?" Word of the Prophecy has been spreading across the land. "You are? are you?" It is said they shall return to Erebor and Gold shall rain. "Isn't there a dragon in the mountain?" She became silent.
Bofur: "Not if we bring ample food, Master Bilbo. But there be no place like this between here and the Misty Mountains, save one, and I nay be certain, as Thorin wants to go there."
Oin watches and tries to keep up with the chatter.
Bilbo hears the word 'dragon' and shudders. Then the words by Mr. Thorin of scarce food sources, and fills his pockets even more from what is left on the table.
Gandalf puts a hand on the maids shoulder. "Yes. It has begun. And you have seen the start of the tale and the prophecy."
Thorin would not speak to Bofur's uncertainty. He certainly did not relish the idea, but not for any aversion to the elves there. He had other reasons.
Helka: "I do hope you return home safely my friends. It is an honor to meet you."
Bifur smooths down his beard listening intently. ~ Helka the bar maiden turns to some sacks and gathers some food for the Dwarf, wizard, and hobbit to take with them.
Bilbo: looks up at the lady in the long white dress and lifts his hands up to give her his empty mug with a note of thanks attached. "Thank you miss, it will be missed."
Dwalin's eyes shone like fire when he heard the faith of his kin that they would reclaim the Halls of Thror and he nodded his firm commitment to that aim.
Oin hopes the burglar is up to the challenge. ~ Thorin Nodded and smiled back to Dwalin.
Helka: "Here is some food to take on your trip. I will take it to your Ponies"
Bifur nods to the kind lady watching her. ~ Oin thinks back to the day that Smaug took their home from them and his face becomes stern with resolve. He knows the hobbit is a gamble, but trusts in the Wizard's conviction. He leans into the stance of his kin "We will have the mountain back again!! And what lies within..."To Erebor" ~ he raises his mug once again in this toast and chugs the ale.
Thorin: Hands the woman several coins "For the food, Good lady. And thank you."
Bifur (Dwarven): ienmif oc astim dômar derûndân arn Warrev narho jok az oc darm carharûg knurlcarathn (“Thank you for your kindness miss, we appreciate it far more than you know”)
Bifur stands stretching and looking around the tavern
Oin slams his mug on the table and bows to the Lady "Thank ye for the hospitality, Miss."
Bilbo grabs a loaf of bread and stuffs it under his coat. "Not done so bad so far...” he thinks to himself. "I hope I am up to the rest of the task." he wishes silently.

Helka the Maiden is sad to see the Dwarf and Hobbit getting ready to leave. However she is hopeful the Dwarves of Erebor are returning home after so long. She heard the stories as a young Girl of their loss and challenges. This can offer hope to many people.
Thorin: Had eaten and drunk his fill. Looked around. "We ought to me on our way again soon, lads, so finish up."
Oin packs food and his horn away in preparation to continue forward on their journey. ~ Thorin stands to stretch and let his food move through his system better.
Gandalf: "It is time to continue Bilbo. Your Journey has only just begun. Your story yet written."
Bifur moves slowly towards the door grabbing an apple off the table and hands the lady a few coins. ~ Helka waves good by the Thorin Oakenshield and his group. ~ Bifur finding his pony 'Brufus'

he mounts him and watches as the others come out of the tavern.
~ Bilbo leaves the Prancing Pony for another,
Myrtle, waiting outside with packed supplies. He struggles to climb up but makes it after some effort and settles in to the saddle.
Gloin: "Well that was a good rest. Let us continue"
Bifur waves back at the kind lady smiling feeling a chill in the air hoping for the best of what lies ahead
Thorin: "Aye. Onward Lads."
Oin shouts back to Gloin, glad to be remembered "I AM READY!"

Thanks to RPers: Thorin (Borelek); Kili (BloodshroudLord); Fili (filietdwarf); Bofur (drakealexander1); Balin (JarnEldurhjarta); Gloin (Kavarek); Bifur (Metalsmyth Greymoon); Gandalf (MithrandirMaia); Óin - Son of Gróin (StormAlong Magic); Dwalin (tombombadilLOK); Bilbo Baggins (beedle.beedit); Angelica (ColeDiarmani); Helka (CountryGirl80).
Photos & Sets: Gloin (Kavarek); Incidental Photos & Videos: Bilbo Baggins (beedle.beedit)
A Note About Bag End: Will be left in the state of chaos the night of the Unexpected Party for any passerby's or visitors.
LMBO. Drunk Bilbo!
wow great job. I got a lot of feedback from vistors to seem that foudn the stories on the site and love reading the rp stories.