After a year of not seeing her Unnca’s after they moved to the Iron Hills: An unexpected visitor: Last Night at the Green Dragon RP: Thorin/Mercy
Thorin: A hooded figure short of stature sat at the far table facing the wall.
Mercy grumbles as she walks in...
Thorin the figure picked at a plate of food and took sips from a cup of ale.
Mercy pauses at the doorway, looks at the hooded figure at the table, he form looked familiar but wasn't sure.."Umm excuse me, Sir, can I get you something?"
Thorin: The figure knew not to whom the person spoke, nor did he turn his head around. The voice was hauntingly familiar, but as much as he wanted to turn and see if it was his dear elven niece, he did not dare.
Thorin: He said nothing in reply
Mercy steps behind him before heading to the counter, her calmness returned from having lost the stag she'd been hunting., bends slightly to peek around the hood hoping not to get stabbed in the face by startling someone..." Sirl"..*she gently places a hand on his shoulder,*
Thorin: Looks up to the right and stares for a moment through haunted eyes. His eyes well up and tears begin to fall. He points to himself, then places a finger over his lips and gestures to the seat across from him with an attempted smile.
Mercy quickly picking up on the gesture and moves to the other side and takes a seat, hunched over peering into his eyes seeing the damp and hauntedness in the eyes...she adjusts the plate and dinnerware*
Thorin whispers: "Hello Mercy. You have no idea how welcome a sight you are." he whispers.
Mercy gazing as best she could into his continues to fiddle with the dinnerware as if pondering what to eat "What is going on, what is wrong"
Thorin whispers: "First, I have missed you terribly since going to the Blue Mountains. It is such a joy to see you."
Thorin whispers: he smiled warmly from under his concealing hood
Mercy (Mercy Resident) wanting to reach out and touch his hand, refrains from the notion "I have so missed you, it is very empty around here without you, I am so happy to see you but, why are you hiding?"
Thorin - Dain (Borelek Resident) whispers: Peers carefully to either side of him before replying, and then only in the quietest of whispers. "I am being hunted."
Mercy holds back a gasp, her eyes dart around the room.." by who and what can I do for you?"
Thorin whispers: "Bounty hunters, of every race and kind. There was even one hobbit and one sylvan elf. No one can be trusted."
Thorin whispers: "Even dwarves..."
Thorin whispers: He keeps his hood as far over his head as possible, even inside the tavern.
Thorin whispers: "I do not want you to do anything. Do not get involved."
Mercy whispers: "Why, how did this come about" *she gazes at him then quickly looks around, without looking at him and so wanting to feel his arms around her again she just sits there her heart pounding in her chest* "I want to help"
Thorin whispers: "You can help by staying safe so that I know whatever happens to me, my Mercy will live on...." his voice choked with emotion and his eyes streamed fresh tears. "Promise me you will do nothing!"
Mercy drawing in a deep breath as the feeling of a great loss hit her like a bolt of lightning to her chest, as she seemingly rocks back as she hears his words, her hands clench into a fist, the fire in her eyes sparks up..she so wanted to rise and refuse to hear his words, she remains sitting, her head drops forward* "I "Do not talk as if I will never see you again...I know something is going on, I feel it in my bones, I do not know how to just stand by and do nothing" her words seemed hard to get out.
Thorin whispers: "I will be safe if I can get to Bree tomorrow. Tharkun sent me a note to meet him there in the inn of the Prancing Pony. He may be able to help." he sighed as quietly and slowly as he could. "If only my stature did not raise suspicion. This is the only time in my life when I envied human and elven stature."
Thorin whispers: "or hobbit stature for that matter." he smirked to make Mercy feel better.
Mercy whispers: can I not at least travel with you to Bree, be your lookout? *she looks to him with pleading eyes* "hunch over a bit more and you could pass as a hobbit"
Thorin whispers: "Not by a long shot. I have a foot and a half on a hobbit. But perhaps there is one way you could help me. Use your ranger skills to scout the road behind me after I depart, to see if anyone is following. if they look....the type... try to distract them, but by no means engage them in combat. These bounty hunters are a breed of a murderer you have never encountered. They are not to be trifled with. Of all the threats I have encountered in the last six months since the first one, I have only slain one of them."
Mercy forcing a smile on her face not wishing for him to feel bad, she relaxes her fingers as she draws invisible lines on the table, recalling how long it had been since she'd seen her Unnca and can not even show him with a hug, she'd grown and become stronger, smarter than before, she hunted with such stealth, she knew her skills could aide him, all she could do was try and gaze into his eyes from deep under the hood he donned. She tries hard not to smile as he mentions the height thing and that I could assist him by watching his back on the road. Almost overjoyed, she nods listening closely to his instructions and what he's encountered.
Thorin whispers: "And do not send me any letter addressed to me. I am traveling under the name of 'Varal Borkson.' a northern human name."
Mercy putting to memory the name he gave, only nods upon hearing his instructions but then it dawned on her where to send the letters. "Where are you heading after Bree, are you sure you do not need me to linger in Bree until you depart"
Thorin whispers: "I do not know. I assume I may learn better what my next steps should be when I meet with Tharkun." he pulled back his hood just enough to let the light fall on his face and reveal his tender eyes and smile. "I will always love you Ruby Red." then he pulled it forward again to hide his face.
Mercy whispers: "I will do as you ask, not that I am overly happy about it. I respect your wishes, but if at all possible you will send word to me when you are able, and if you ever need me...*she knew he'd never ask but she had to let him know she would come wherever he was to be at his side. Seeing his face she almost couldn't bear seeing the tear streaks on his face, but seeing his eyes and smile gave her some relief* "I will always love you.." stopping before she spoke his name, as he pulled the hood back over*
Thorin whispers: "Thank you. Knowing you are watching the road behind me will give me great comfort. As for the road ahead, my hand will be on the hilt of my sword at every step."
Mercy whispers: "You never have to thank me, I would give my life for you and stand by your side, may your journey find sate roads and the gods be with you, know that you will always be with me"
Thorin whispers: "As would I for you. But do not be overly worried for me." He pulled one sleeve back to reveal links of dwarven-steel chainmail. "I am not unprotected."
Mercy a small smile slides upon her lips seeing the mail, giving a slight nod, however, her mind still wanted to be at his side*
Thorin whispers: "I bless this meeting. If ever a star shone upon the hour of one, it shines upon this one." he made an elven reference on purpose, to communicate the limitless depth of his gratitude. "I shall thank the Star Queen in my prayers tonight.".
Mercy drawing her hands back to tuck on her lap, she sits up straight the clench in her chest still had not eased but she could not change his mind, ohh the stubbornness of Dwarves, giving a nod and instead of smiling with her mouth, her eyes even though she could not see his, he saw hers and they shined for him with such unconditional love* "As I will pray that the path you travel will be safe" *she could not utter another word to him* "
Thorin whispers: "Prayers are likely our best protection. Surely the Gods Beyond the Sea watch all we do and they would not wish these hunters to succeed, nor fail to give help to those who pray for it."
Mercy leans forward as close as she dares, her keen elf eyes watching the room* "You best not leave without me in the morning, I will sit on the doorstep all night if I must" *nods knowing the Gods watch over even the foolhardy*
Thorin whispers: "Nods. I will concede this as I too desire it more than I can bear. Perhaps you can follow some distance behind me in ranger attire and we may embrace on the road to the Ferry."
Mercy whispers: nods quickly, eager to embrace him but not to see him leave, keeping her face emotionless
Thorin whispers: slowly picked at his food to draw it out.
Mercy whispers: reaches over and pulls out a piece of pie then pokes it with a fork, her eyes drift from him to the plate
Thorin whispers: "I received word that you helped my kin reach the Iron Hills."
Mercy whispers: nods slowly "aye, that I did. A joy and sad occasion mixed"
Thorin whispers: "Sad for parting with friends and uncles I imagine."
Mercy whispers: yes, but I plan to travel soon to the Iron Hills
Thorin whispers Nods and smiles. "I know Dwalin and Zori will rejoice to see you."
Mercy whispers: it has been quite some time seeing them
Thorin whispers: "And my cousin there...." he did not name Dain, but assumed she would know of whom he spoke. "...wrote very highly of you. he is very fond of you, you should know."
Mercy whispers: stifles a small giggle..." I am very fond of "our" kin, knowing he'd catch the emphasize on her word,
Thorin whispers: Smiled. "You are our kinswoman, forever and always."
Thorin whispers: "And always will be my niece"
Thorin whispers: "Though you are more like a daughter in my heart."
Mercy whispers: dropping her head as she beams brightly at him only for a short moment "I need not have to tell you what you mean to me"
Thorin whispers: smiled and shook his head. "No, you do not need to." he reached across and squeezed her hand in his.
Mercy whispers: returns the squeeze only seeing shadows of his face from under the hood but knew his eyes were filled with moisture
Thorin - whispers: Had finished his meal and his second fill of ale. "I must retire now. I must stay out of sight as much as possible. Until morning then. meet me beyond the tree gate, on the road to Bucklebury Ferry."
Mercy whispers: nods "rest well..and I shall see you when the sun rises, I will meet you there"
Thorin whispers: nods
Thorin whispers: stand and wraps his cloak around him to cover his clothing and his sword. "Peace to you, the peace of the stars."
Thorin whispers: and he departs quickly up the stairs
Mercy whispers: watches as he rises wrapping his form in the cloak, you
Mercy clearing the dishes and rises to leave the Green Dragon, seeking a patch of grass to lay in and stare and pray at the stars above

Was wonderful to do with you as well.
Loved doing this scene with you Mercy ❤️