Lady Mercy & Unnca Dain
As the words of disapproval drifted to her ears, as she remember the moment Zhurin's mother turned to her beloved son. She looked upon him with eyes full of love. "I feel the union between you and Lady Mercy would not be wise, I can not give you my approval". She looks upon her son then back at Lady Mercy.
Mercy could only keep her head and eyes high, as she felt her heartbreak in many pieces. Without hearing anything else, she left the home, leaving Zhurin and his family in peace. She mounted her horse and gathered her traveling companions and rode down the road. She did not notice the beautiful sky, the song of the birds, or the blooming of those wonderful flowers. Her eyes refused to let the tears flow, but her heart pounded in her ears and yet no tears came.
Her horse seemed to know where she needed to go to find peace, a place where there was unconditional love. And so she traveled to the Iron Hills, sometimes riding through the night. She could not find any joy of the wondrous nature, the sounds of
animals or the sweet touch, taste of rain upon her head. The rain fell where her eyes would not.
Several weeks passed, she did not pay much attention to the way of where or how she was traveling, she rarely stopped to hunt, which was one of her greatest pleasures. Her horse stopped occasionally when he needed to taste the cool water of a brook, lake, or pond. He knew his mistress, how she felt, her sorrow and he just led her to where he knew she needed to go, or so it seemed. Mercy knew the way, and as she came upon familiar grounds, she sped her horse towards the warmth she knew she'd find in the Iron Hills.
Lady Mercy Dwarvenheart arrives in the Iron Hills, her heart a bit less heavy now she's home, as she arrives she eagerly knocks on her Unnca Dains' door.
Dain hears a knock and shouts, "Come in already!! The door nay be locked!!"
Lady Mercy Dwarvenheart rattles the locked door...bangs playfully.." you'd keep your niece out"...chuckles once more before trying the door once more.*
Dain - "Oh my GOODNESS!! MERCY!!!" Dain bellowed as he sprang out of his seat and rushed to embrace her.
Lady Mercy Dwarvenheart, "Unnca Dain...*throws her arms around his broad shoulders, giving him her best hug*
Dain "Oh my Blessed Smith! What brings you to see us? Never mind. Just glad you came." more hugs
Lady Mercy Dwarvenheart "It is so wonderful to see you and the Iron Hills again, my journey has been long and well not filled with much happiness" *hugs more happily*
"Let me get a good look at you. Yes, same Mercy. Not aged a day, which is ta be expected from an elf. But, what's this? I see some shadow of sadness in yer eyes." Dain says
Dain "Come sit by me."
Lady Mercy Dwarvenheart *holds her head high, gives a slight nod, then joins her Unnca on the sofa to finish the conversation*
Lady Mercy Dwarvenheart "I am not sure where to begin actually," *she looks in earnest to her Unnca Dain..she adjusts herself on the sofa, letting out a big sigh*
Dain "Well let us start with Zhurin and you. I cannot help but notice he nay be with you."
Lady Mercy Dwarvenheart *reaches down and picks up Tharkun, placing on the sofa, "That is why I am here, this is my home, and ye are my kin. He and I are no more"
Dain: Dain's eyes narrowed and his face flushed with anger. "Tell me what happened, before I put a price on that dwarf's head."
Lady Mercy Dwarvenheart *lifts her hand, looks to her Unnca.* "That will not be necessary, he only obeyed the wishes of his mother, who did not approve of the union. I have to understand and respect that, some are not so open when it comes to relationships and traditions."
Dain cools a bit, eyes still narrow. "Aye, that be a hard one. A hard choice between one's heart and one's mother. It is much easier to go against a father's wishes."
"But then I speak as a lad. I suppose many lasses would find going against the father the harder choice."
Dain "or against a dear uncle, eh?" he chuckled
Lady Mercy Dwarvenheart *chuckles softly at his comment* "I am sure it was for him, and leaving without a mate, a part of my heart and soul. I know parents only desire the best for their children, and the best for nephews and nieces, It came more of a surprise I suppose. I am not some think a pampered princess...I even brought meat to her table" * reaches down to pet Tharkun, her gaze still upon her kin*
Dain: "I suppose respecting one's mother be the more honorable choice, as dwarven honor goes, but truly only a wee bit more honorable than followin' ones own heart. Did yer grandmother give her approval or was she opposed to it?"
Lady Mercy Dwarvenheart "I had not had the chance to speak to Grandmother, but I do not feel she'd disapprove, so long as I was happy"
Dain "Oh she might ha' disapproved. I heard she was nay happy over Calathiel's choice to wed Thranduil the Sylvan elf king. And sadly it led to her death by orcs and to the hardening of Thranduil's heart. That is confidential information, though. Something kings know, but not fer everyone ta hear. "And I heard that Lord Celeborn was of the same mind as his Lady."
Lady Mercy Dwarvenheart nods slightly in full understanding* "Well, it matters not now, he is there, and I have traveled home"
Dain: "Oh, he remained in the Grey Mountains then? Perhaps there was more to his mother's disapproval than just his choice in a bride. Perhaps she nay approved of his line o' work."
Lady Mercy Dwarvenheart shakes her head*"Oh no it was me, not his line of work, considering he's been doing that line for a great many years, it was the choice of the bride. He has remained."
Dain: "Ah well she may not entirely approve of his profession as a roving hunter. Few dwarf parents would."My guess is she will try to persuade him to give it up and do something more respectable."
"Nothing will change my mind on that point...I feel in my being. I guess I have the stubbornness of dwarves too" *she giggles softly*
"Oh I woul' never try ta change yer mind about anythin', unless yue were about to do somethin' untrue ta yerself."
Lady Mercy Dwarvenheart *pats the sofa, as she clears her throat...* "So, how are things here in the Iron Hills..and yourself and the wee lad of yours, I am sure he's grown so much since I've been away for a spell. She changed the subject, as she works in her mind to mend the shattered heart that felt heavy in her chest*
"Oh he has. He be away visitin' kin of ours in the Blue Mountains. He and a cousin of his be close friends. The Lord of the Blue Mountains be a third cousin o'mine and this cousin of Purinek's be his son and Purinek's fourth cousin."
"That is so wonderful" she spoke with earnest interest.
"The lad also be the firstborn and heir to the throne there. So two little future lords bein' chums." he laughed.
Lady Mercy Dwarvenheart "That is so great for them both, and it is always nice to have a companion"
"And very good for diplomacy and preservin' our alliance," Dain added
That will be important in the future for them both" Lady Mercy Dwarvenheart acknowledged the importance of allies.
"And good for both our peoples. So be your still huntin' ?" Dain inquired
"I have not while I traveled here, but I shall return to it, it is where I find my peace, and to become one with nature.” She lowered her eyes only a brief moment
Dain, "Ah yes. In harmony with the world, what the gods over the sea done make. And through them what The One done make."
[18:39] Lady Mercy Dwarvenheart spoke with positive air “ I will just keep myself busy, enjoy what I have around me, and not seek another*
"Oh you weren't seekin' anyone when you met Zhurin, or so it seemed to me." Dain offered his view
"No, I was not seeking, he and I just happened"
[18:45] Dain - Thorin (Borelek Resident along. Yue were happy alone afore yue twu met and you can be happy again than alone again. If someone comes along, maybe yue will be a tad more cautious, but a patient lad be a better lad, me thinks."
Lady Mercy Dwarvenheart *nods* "oh yes , I will heal here at home, then I will continue on my journey and walk the path I choose with or without another"
"Life ha'nah got any guarantees. That be one thin' I know well. I di'nah expect me dear Lady to pass away in givin' birth tue our son and nothin' could ha' prepared me fer that. But it be what it be. No sense spendin' a life in grief. I sure hope that sylvan elf king learns that sometimes. For bein' thousands of years old, he sure do nah act very wise." Dain shared his wise words with her.
"Aye, I do understand that, and I do not tend to grieve much more, now that I am here with you. I always return home. I can now say I have loved and lost, but as it is written somewhere, this is the journey we must be on to gain knowledge of the world around us."
"Aye and lovin' and losin' be a right good teacher. I was in love afore I married and then found myself faliin' fer me, Lady. I learned what love be and what it nay be." He continued.
"Yes, I feel I have that understanding as well"
"Well, I bet yue be hungry from tha journey. Shall I call fer some supper fer yue?" he offered
"I am very hungry, shall we have some supper"?
Dain -"O' Course." He range a bell and presently a servant appeared. "Supper for me and the Lady Mercy Dwarvenheart." the servant bowed and nodded to Dain and Mercy with a grin on his face, then bustled off to prepare them something. Mercy's reputation in the Iron Hills has not dimmed.
Presently the servant returned with two large plates. Fish and vegetables and bread were on them. He laid them down for them and smiling and bowing again to them both, departed.
Lady Mercy Dwarvenheart smiles brightly as she walks to the table, giving a polite nod to the servant. Joining her Unnca.."It is wonderful to come home, I do hope it will be alright iffin I stay a spell?" *looks up as the food is set down* "Thank yue"
Dain calls out. "Ruby Red, yue may stay as long as yue like. I will only be happy if'an yue never leave us."
"I know, but it is still respectful to ask"
Dain "Well respect be duly noted, but me hopes yue know how much love I have fer yue."
Lady Mercy Dwarvenheart "That is why when I have heavy heart, I come here to you" *her smiles expresses to him how her heartfelt at this moment, she looks at her food and eagerly digs in without ceremony*
Dain -"Ah there be that dwarven heart comin' out. Eatin' like a dwarf be the right way t' enjoy a meal, that be certain."
*With cheeks full of food, as she chews, she gives a half-grin only nodding..
Dain tore into his meal with dwarven passion. Soon the plate was vacant, his bread gone and his tankard of ale, which the servant had brought, was empty.
Lady Mercy Dwarvenheart finishes up her meal, as well as the tankard. Places a hand over her mouth as she lets out a belch, her eyes widen when she shifts her gaze to her Unnca, then lets out a hearty laugh.."Pardon me"
"Pardon for what?" he belched loudly.
Lady Mercy Dwarvenheart laughs out once more, "Tis only right that a Lady at least asks for a pardon when she belches"
"Hardly. A self-respecting dwarf lass never would. Besides it be an expected compliment to the host, which is me." he laughed. "And I feel very respected by it," Dain said
Lady Mercy Dwarvenheart beams, well I do respect you" * another belch comes from out of nowhere, as she doubles over laughing, holding her words to be pardon*
Dain belches again. "come let me show you where yue can stay. I had some remodeling done a few months ago. divided the master bedroom up so now there is a corridor to it and two guest rooms." He stood
Dain - Thorin (Borelek Resident): "this be the Moria Room. the picture be an old paintin' of Moria before the Balrog."
Lady Mercy Dwarvenheart walks behind him, as he leads her to the guest room, as he pushes open the door, her eyes light up. "Oh this is wonderful, This will be perfect"
"The second room be the Erebor Room as the picture there be of Erebor in its glory days." Dain told her
Dain "I thought of me dear cousin Thorin when I picked that one."
"I like this, and it will do just nicely, oh I am sure he'd be honored. I do hope to see him again soon, he's in my prayers nightly" Lady Mercy Dwarvenheart said as her eyes shined with happiness and hope.
"We all pray fer him, dearie. We all do." He replied
Lady Mercy Dwarvenheart sets her bow down at the foot of the bed, her eyes speak volumes when they speak of her Unnca, and his cousin* "Soon, I am sure we will hear from him"
Dain: "Well be at home. When you rise do nah hesitate ta ring the bell by the couch fer Klanuk to bring you some breakfast."
Lady Mercy Dwarvenheart (Mercyea Resident): *steps close to her Unnca* "I am home, I will certainly do that, perhaps after breakfast to a bit of mining" *chuckles*
Dain -"Sure. Nothin' like exercise to make you feel right as rain." he yawned. "Time fer me ta hit the sack."
Lady Mercy Dwarvenheart: "aye, I am feeling the weariness of the road myself., I shall bid you a good night then."
"Sleep well dear Ruby Red. I will sleep better-knowin' yue be here."
"As will I Unnca, as will I"
Dain kisses her on the cheek and turning, heads out and into his chamber.
*returns the kiss on his cheek, watches as he moves to retire to his chambers*