While deepening the mines a century ago, the dwarves of Erebor opened a hole into a place that took their breath away. Before their astounded eyes, there stretched a lake-filled cavern dotted with islands of dripstone with stalagmites, stalagmites and columns throughout, interspersed with large clusters of crystals that glowed with patterns of spectral light that danced and moved within them. The islands were covered in a soft carpet of lichens that radiated a soft lavender hue, and tall mushrooms the size of small trees grew on them, surrounded by underbrush of smaller mushrooms, all luminescent in the dark in myriad colors. Even the water of the lake glowed with living cultures of luminous microbes. Wishing not to disturb or damage this wonder of nature in any way, the dwarves took their mining efforts in a different direction, and instead, named this wonderland "Yaalashet Val" the Lake of Light. It was declared a National Nature park, to be visited by dwarves and their friends with reverent respect thenceforth and for all time.

A little cartoonish though. I plan to rework it into something more natural looking :)
Its nice. and mystical