On a clear early autumn morning a lone figure approaches the Green Dragon Inn in Hobbiton. A tall slender figure. An elf Maid clothed in grey with a grey grey cloak so that few can see her. She pauses and as if on an impluse pushes open the door and walks inside.
She clears her throat in her quiet Elven manner "Greetings"
"Oh greetings!" Says the small Hobbit maiden, her cheeks rosy red and in her eye a warm twinkle. Sorry, my hands are dirty with this turkey. Have a seat. What would you like for breakfast ?"
Iminwiel smiled at the rushing Hobbit. "Greetings Fair one! I am called Iminwiel Elenissiel. I have heard there is good fare served here. I have travelled far and would eat---yes" her pause spoke of one that had not spoken for some time.
"Oh...fair one am I?" quipped Lily. "You just rose to the top of my list of favorite people. Well have a seat and I will bring you something. We have pancakes with eggs and asparagus, likely tasty for an elf such as yourself. And to drink, we have milk, fresh apple juice, elven wine, mead, and dwarven ale."
"Ahh now---then I will have your esteemed pancakes and yes, a glass of wine would be, refreshing" Iminwiel's smile got somehow brighter and with good humour sat herself quietly down.
"No eggs and asparagus? Or perhaps you are one who prefers not to eat anything from animals??"
"Perhaps some apples with the pancakes would taste fresh and sweet"
"Sliced apples on the cakes then. And a dash of maple syrup on them?"
"Ah yes ... fair one.That sounds pleasant indeed"
"You can call me Lily. Yes, I know its a flower. Most Hobbit lasses get named after flowers." She smiled and half-curtseyed, then turned to fetch and bring her a glass of wine and headed to the kitchen to prepare her pancakes.
Iminwiel Laughed gently. "I like the sound of that name...' Lily' Have you been named after a mother or is your name free like the very flowers themselves?"
"Not after my mother, but it is a family name from a great grandmother. As for me, yes, I would say I am free like the wind, but not for much longer." she sighed. "To be a proper hobbit, I must marry."
"A Hobbit Wedding!" I have not in all my years seen one of those".
"Oh it's a short morning ceremony followed by a whole day of feasting, drinking, music and dancing."
"That will be a merry time---I foresee it. Then you will be proper and I will be glad for you Lily!
Presently the pancakes were cooked, and placing them on a clean plate with a spatula, Lily buttered them, cored an apple and placed thin slices on top; drizzled some maple syrup over them, then brought the plate to her.
"Here you are Miss Iminwiel." she said and sat down opposite her to provide company.
Iminwiel accepts the plate with the grace of the Elves and proceeds to eat. "Oh this looks delicious Lily. I have walked a long road and I am unusually hungry" She begins to eat, taking small bites and nods her head in approval.
"It pleases me highly that the flavor agrees with you. So what brings an elf here to Hobbiton and the Shire?"
Iminwiel looks up whislt she eats "I am moving residence and I have walked many days from the Golden Wood to the Havens where --- I may take ship to the West" She sighed quietly "Or I will have a House there, for a time --- near the Sea --- How I love the sea!" She looked ahead plainly not seeing the Inn before her or Lily.
"Oh, yes." Lily made a sad face. "I heard the elves are all leaving Middle Earth to the Deathless Lands. I am happy for them, but sad for our sakes. A land without elves is a land of less joy and beauty."
"Oh that is kind Lily and if all were kind perhaps there would be no reason to go"
Iminwiel looks back into the far distance and then with deft shake of her head her face clears and she is merry of face again.
"Well kindness they say is something we mortals learned from the elves. To be honest, like children, we aren't past needing more instruction in that. But I suppose at some point children must grow up."
"Yes indeed that could be said to be true.Though I have heard whispers among my kind that you are a hardy folk and will do well"
Lily beamed. "A compliment from elves is a high compliment. We are down to earth, if you know what I mean. We love home and growing things. We love caring for animals and each other. There are some not-so-savory ones among us, but they are few in number. We do not change our minds easily, nor our hearts, and while that can lead to stubbornness, it also can be a good thing. If a hobbit is kind, he or she is not easily corrupted."
"Yes I see that even as I speak with you. Ahh but you remind me of being young! Wise words in one so young! Stay true to them Lily and they will guide you well"
"I keep my mind focused on the here and now, on what's important. The rare bad hobbit is one who aspires to wealth and importance. I have no need for such things. A home with a hearth,food to eat, and friends and family are all I need. Don't be in a hurry to leave us, though. If settling for a time at the Gray Havens suits you, you can always remain a while before crossing the great sea." Lily looked up at the Elf.
Iminwiel put her goblet down and reached for her purse, offering small coins to Lily "Yes, perhaps there is still much that holds me here. I may not yet go ... perhaps there are still some things that hold me." A small smile.
"Thank you." Lily takes the coin which she drops into a box with a slit opening and returns to the table. "Yes stay with us. The Gray Havens are not far west from the Shire. Come visit us again soon."
" If I shall do Lily of the fairest inn in the Shire, then good!" Iminwiel gives her a bow and laughs in a sudden burst of playfulness.
Lily clutches her hands together "The Green Dragon Inn is considered the pick of the crop as far as Bree. Even humans from there come to visit us." she smiled proudly."And Dwarves on their way who-knows-whence to who-knows-Whither." she laughed.
"Hmm they are a mysterious folk, often I have thought!"
Lily, warming to the subject, speaks again. "Oh they have their own concerns. a whole troop of them came through not long ago. Now Mr. Baggins of Bag End is missing. Some say he went off with them."
The Elf raises her brows in mock surprise that at the same time is not unkind. "And is that so! Perhaps I will see them on my way back"
"Someone said he saw them going East toward Bree." Was Lily's firm response.
"I will pass that way Lily and should I come here again then I will tell you"
"Well, Safe paths to you Miss Iminwiel and may the stars shine bright upon your way." She knew enough about elves to know they loved the stars. And how they loved travelling by night.
Iminwiel Laughed fondly at the Hobbit maid.
"Thank you! Elf friend! "May the leaves of your life stay green Miss Lily"
Lily beamed again. "Yet another compliment and even higher than the first. Well you are a Hobbit-friend then. Well I must get back to the turkey. We are preparing for a great yuletide feast well first a harvest feast, then the yuletide."
"I see you are busy. Such feasts! How good! Thank you for entertaining me on my solitary road"
"You are most welcome and thank YOU for the delightful reprieve from my solitary kitchen work." she giggled.. "Namarie!
Iminwiel laughs merrily as she heads for the door. "Namarie !" She waves a hand but does not look back.
Lily Brown Cotton waves back, her hand on the door frame, looking outward at the road.
As Iminwiel steps out , she takes a deep breath and nods her head to herself.
"There is something about spending time with these small folk

they lift the heart" she said to herself as she set out.