Some feedback from players has persuaded me to remind our community of some universal standards of In-Character (IC) Roleplay etiquette.
1. No one is considered ICly present until they post something, even just a description of what they are doing. The first post of players should not mention noticing or talking to any other player’s character until everyone there has also posted an initial post.
2. Do not post more right after you posted, without having immediately told everyone first in ((…..)) that you needed to add more. Otherwise, players who are already composing their next post may have to delete part or all of it and rewrite.
3. Take your turn in posting unless 2 or more separate conversations are going on, then take turns with the individuals you are conversing with. in conversation groups larger than 5, wait for any four other people to post before posting again.
4. Do not alter or force an RP situation or story on someone. Do not invent what any other character is, has been, or will be doing, thinking or feeling. if someone’s post has elements that are not possible in Middle Earth or given what your character and others have been doing, then remind them politely in IM and allow them the chance to rewrite their last post. (powergaming)
5. Do not just quit an RP or threaten to quit due to irritation or upset feelings. Take a moment to communicate with the other person in IM. If you cannot resolve the difference, politely inform all present that you need to leave and then do so. Quitting RP for any reason other than a RL emergent situation is bad form. Above all, never just Poof, either IC or OOC. Be polite and say you need to go before logging off.
6. Never play your character knowing things about another character that yours did not learn in character. (metagaming)
7. Never play knowing everything or having uber-powers. (godmodding).