Introducing Kunêrek Bâinash, a venerable, wise and compassionate dwarven sage, prophet, and high priest from the Blue Mountains. His name Kunêrek means counselor and his title Bâinash means high priest. his prior given name and family name were discarded upon ordination according to Blue Mountain tradition and the name Kunêrek was bestowed by the high High Cleric at that time.
Kunêrek is Compassionate and Universalist in his personal spirituality. Serves the dwarves according to dwarven theological traditions, but is able to serve anyone in any benevolent theological or nontheistic context. Focuses mostly on helping people resolve inner struggles and issues of low self esteem, anger or other negative heartsets and mindsets. Differences in theology, doctrine, and spiritual or nonspiritual perspective are to him merely different mental frameworks that can all help some people.
Kunêrek will come with the refugees of Erebor to dwell under the Lonely Mountain, after it is reclaimed. He makes frequent visits to Hobbiton, Bree, Rivendell, Lothlorien, and the Iron Hills.
Looking forward to meeting others in RP 😀

Welcome oh wise one!