Here is an introduction about the character I play in LOTR in SL Glorfindel. I had to add a few things like his year of birth and I took the most commonly accepted mother and invented a Vanya father, the rest is from Tolkien.
"Glorfindel was tall and straight; his hair was of shining gold, his face fair and young and fearless and full of joy; his eyes were bright and clean, and his voice like music; on his brow set wisdom, and in his hand was strength."
—The Lord of the Rings, The Fellowship of the Ring, Many Meetings
Glorfindel was one of the mighty of the Firstborn (the Elves), and was once the lord of the House of the Golden Flower in Gondolin. After his death, he was re-embodied by the Valar to act as an emissary.

Years of the Trees
Glorfindel was born in Tirion sometime during the Noontide of Valinor, and was descended from a house of princes He followed the House of Fingolfin during the Flight of the Ñoldor, but he took no part in the Kinslaying at Alqualondë. His mother was Irimë (sister of Findis, Fingolfin and Finarfin and half sister of Fëanor, his father was a Vanyar elf of a noble family Vanimeldo (which in Quenya means Beautiful and beloved man). He was born in the Years of the Trees in 1345. When his father flollwed her beloved brother Finglofin she took her son with her, her husband stayed in Valinor as he didn't want to leave his kin. It broke both their heart. She followed Fingolfin all her life when he died in 456 of the First Age, she wandered around Middle-Earth for decades and then sailed back to Valinor, he fate his unknown.

First Age
After the exile, Glorfindel followed Turgon to Gondolin. He was appointed as the Lord of the House of the Golden Flower and one of the captains of the King. He was popular and well-loved by the Gondolindrim.
When Aredhel wished to depart Gondolin in search for the Sons of Fëanor, Turgon appointed Glorfindel, Ecthelion, and Egalmoth to be her escorts. They were denied entrance to Doriath, and instead turned north where the escort lost Aredhel near Nan Dungortheb. They later returned to Gondolin without her.
Along with King Turgon, Glorfindel fought in the Nírnaeth Arnoediad, holding the King's flanks as they retreated towards the Pass of Sirion.
Fall of Gondolin
In FA 510, the forces of Melkor attacked Gondolin, with the help of Maeglin's treachery. Glorfindel and the last of his followers held the Great Market from the Orcs, in pursuance of ambushing the enemies. However, they themselves were ambushed and fought until a fire-drake arrived. Glorfindel and his people cut their way out, but were pursed by the orcs. The House of the Harp arrived to help them, after disobeying their deceitful lord, Salgant. The House of the Golden Flower regrouped at the Square of the King and was one of the last Houses to fightGlorfindel joined Tuor in defending the Square, until Egalmoth arrived and Ecthelion was slain during his fight with Gothmog. When King Turgon was also slain, the Gondolindrim escaped through Idril's Secret Way, with Glorfindel holding the rear manfully and lost more of his followers there.
As they made their escape through Cirith Thoronath, one of the Balrogs came upon the refugees. Glorfindel leapt forward to face the Balrog, while his followers watched from afar. He fended himself from the Balrog's whip and claws, and successfully hewed its iron helm. At the last moment, he pierced the Balrog's belly and it fell backwards towards the cliff, but it grabbed Glorfindel by his hair and both of them fell into the deep abyss. His body was later borne up by Thorondor, Lord of Eagles, who flew down into the Abyss to rescue Glorfindel's broken body, returning it to his people who buried him high on the cliffs of the Mountains which surrounded Gondolin. It was said that yellow flowers (possibly celandine) grew on his mound, despite its rocky location

Second Age
Return to Middle-earth
Glorfindel's spirit departed to the Halls of Mandos, where he spent years with the spirits of the others who died. Due to his noble actions, valor and bravery that saved many Elves during the Fall of Gondolin, he was re-embodied after a short time.
A thousand years later, in SA 1600, Manwë sent him back to Middle-earth as an emissary of the Valar and granted him powers nearly as strong as that of the Maiar's.

Third Age
It is possible that Glorfindel remained for a time in Lindon along with the other noble Elves, such as Gil-galad, Círdan, and Elrond, a descendant of Tuor and Idril.
Battle of Fornost
Do not pursue him! He will not return to this land. Far off yet is his doom, and not by the hand of man will he fall.
—Glorfindel's prophecy about the Witch-king
During the Battle of Fornost, Glorfindel was the major reason the evil Witch-king of Angmar was defeated. After the battle was over, and the Witch-king had fled, it was Glorfindel who predicted that no mortal man would ever destroy the Witch-king This prediction would come true a thousand years later at the Battle of the Pelennor Fields, when Éowyn of Rohan (a woman) and Meriadoc Brandybuck (a Hobbit) destroyed the Witch-king
He spent most of his time then in Rivendell, amongst other activities he was playing and teaching young Arwen and then young Aragorn.

Glorfindel was known for his golden hair, which at some point, was described to be yellow. He was an elf of great bodily, nobility, heroism and spiritual structure, wisdom, and bravery. The Gondolindrim loved him dearly and wept upon witnessing his passing at Cirith Thoronath. He was a capable leader, as seen when he led his House during the Fall, and loyal to his King and brothers-in-arms. He was very courageous and mindful of the refugees as they escaped. He chose to protect all the escaping Gondolindrim (especially Tuor and Idril), though he "would have defended them even had they been fugitives of any rank".
Glorfindel was a very capable fighter, with great endurance; he fought for hours during the Fall of Gondolin and managed to face against a Balrog on his own.
After his re-embodiment, Manwë had given Glorfindel powers nearly equal to the Maiar's, to help him in his missions in Middle-earth He was considered one of the most powerful elves from Rivendell, given by his powerful and almost "angelic" presence.
His original name is said to have been Laurefindil, which is the Quenya for "Golden-haired", from laurë ("golden") and findilë ("head of hair"). Glorfindel is simply the Sindarin translation of Laurefindil, from glaur ("golden") and fîn or find ("lock of hair").
Lovely introduction!!