~The Istari set's out from Isengard towards Bree
~Thorin departs early from the Green Dragon inn, covered in a hooded cloak. He leaves hobbiton and after walking for some hours, waits at Bucklebury Ferry for a friend to see him off.
~ A person of Dwarven stature but hidden in a hooded cloak enters the Inn of the Prancing Pony and without looking around, beelines to a corner table and sits facing the wall. When a serving girl comes to ask him what he wants, he replied in a disguised voice. "Ale and roast beef" and puts the coins on the table for her to take. Shortly she brings him his meal and he steals a few furtive glances around the tavern to see if any suspicious rogue types are watching him. Sure enough a couple of rogues were staring at him. He tried to act nonchalant and eat his meal.
~The Bounty Hunter glares across the tavern in Bree. Watching the others, and the one he suspects to be Oakenshield, who has a bounty on his head.
Helka: "Here is you Ale and Roast beef sir, I will be around if ye should need more food and drink." She notices strange men around and feels uncomfortable, retreating behind the bar.
~Gandalf enters the tavern and notices a man with knives approaching the one he came to speak too. Quickly he sits down at the table to interrupt the dark characters intent.
~At the very moment two men were about to rush Thorin and he grabbed the hilt of his sword, a tall elderly fellow in gray cloak and a tall gray hat sat down next to him and two rogues retreated and left the Inn.
Gandalf: "Awww a good day for a drink do you not agree?" Gandalf's eyes stared across the tavern to the others, as a warning to them, no doubt they know who he is.
Thorin: Thorin eyed the man suspiciously. He looked like the wizard who had messaged him to meet him here, but how could he be certain. He just nodded with narrowed eyes and took a drink from his flagon.
Gandalf : "Now Thorin, son of Thrain, do you not recognize the one your kin call Tharkûn ?" Gandalf smirked. "I have come a long way to find you" He puffed his pipe and looked right at him.
Thorin: Thorin nodded, deciding to trust him. "Aye, I remember you. You sent me a note to meet you here today, so what is this about?"
Gandalf: "About?" he grinned "It is about change. Why is the Son of Thrain sitting in a Tavern on Bree, under hood?" He grinned "It is about Thorin Oakenshield and the Dwarves of Erebor being more then a wondering vagabonds. It is about the prophecy"
Thorin: "We are not vagabonds. The Lords of the Blue Mountains and the Iron Hills took us in and we are laboring in those realms to make a life for ourselves."
Gandalf: "Is that what the prince of the Durin folk has become? A laborer for others? A mere Dwarf among others? One defeated by Smaug and who leaves his home abandoned and lost?" His face grew stern.
Thorin : Thorin's face grew hard and defiant. "Do i need remind you that a dragon sleeps upon the Gold in Erebor. What would you have me do?" he answered angrily.
Gandalf : "The Dragon has sat in Erebor long enough! It is vile and its corruption bleeds deeper into the mountain and lands. A prince should rally the others to his side, and TAKE BACK EREBOR!"
Thorin: Shakes his head and looks away mournfully. "The Sons of Durin will not rally to any prince but one that holds the Arkenstone and that is buried in gold under a dragon."
Gandalf: "Your kin will rally to you, and you will reclaim the stone. Yet it is you who must decide to lead, not follow others. OR do you wish to sit under hood with a bounty on your head, and hide away the days?" Gandalf pulls out a paper, with the face of Oakenshield. "This will be your fate if you do not rise. A bounty for your head, a bounty written in Blackspeech and sent from the Orcs. Who ever leads them, wants your head and it has reached many areas. Rise and a meeting most be formed to-gather Dwarves who will follow you and reclaim what is yours."
Thorin: "And what of my father Thrain? We do not know if he is dead or still lives. He is the one with the right to summon the Sons of Durin."
Gandalf: "You must worry for now about the task at hand. It can not wait!" Gandalf shifts his face to not give away what he knows. "I will put together a gathering for the Dwarves where you will meet at, and well, we will need someone who can slip into Erebor less noticed... a burglar...of sorts. I have someone in mind for that task, and it is at his home we shall meet."
Thorin - Dain (Borelek): sighs and appears to be surrendering to Gandalf's directive. A spark still burned in his heart to see Erebor restored. "Give me a month to summon those loyal from the three realms in the north and we will see. Send me word as soon as you know whither we should gather."
Gandalf): "I will send you word, and you will all look for my sign on the door. Your eyes will see it." Durin folk will rise to for-fill what they are meant too. I will send word when it is time." Gandalf rises and the strange men in the bar flee for the doors. "You won't have any issues leaving Bree. I will see you soon enough Thorin Oakenshield."
Thorin : Nods to Gandalf. "I will send word to the three Lords of the north and look for your message. Send it here addressed to Varal Borkson, my traveling name, a northern human name"
Gandalf): "Very well. Till next we meet. Be safe Son of Thrain."
~ Gandalf walks to the exit and prepares to journey to The Shire.
~Thorin finishes his meal and speaks to the serving lass. "a room. Name Varal Borkson." he paid for the room and ascended the stairs.