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Copyright 2020
All images are property of the original creators. SL images and images of individuals avatars remain the property and rights of those users and Linden Labs. Images can not be used or downloaded without written request and written authorization.

Copyright 1937 - 2018 THE TOLKIEN ESTATE
The Literary works of The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, the Silmarillion, races, elvish language, dwarven language of  middle earth, lore, and characters of the stories remain the property of the Tolkien Estate and JRR Tolkien, who created them. (May his memory and works live on).

Amazon Entertainment hold rights to second age Productions and marketing.

MIddle-Eath Enterprises hold certain marketing rights to Third age Lord of the Rings marketing material.

Warner Brother's is the parent company holding rights the the Hobbit and Lord of the Rings Movies and Music. 

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