As he traveled a long way, he came to familiar settings, as he approached closer; He called out
"Mercy!! My Opal iridescent!!" a familiar voice sounded from the road.
Lady Mercy Dwarvenheart (Mercyea Resident) lifts her head from picking the sunflowers, spins around, and almost falls over herself trying to get up.."Unnca Sori"!!!
Zori leaped over the fence to rush into her arms.
Lady Mercy Dwarvenheart "Ohh I'm so excited to see you...embraces him so tightly*
Lady Mercy Dwarvenheart "I did not know you were coming..."
Zori: "Oh so good to see you." he holds her close a while in a big hug. "I missed you and Robyn, and the Shire."
Lady Mercy Dwarvenheart continues to hold onto him as if he was a dream, she didn't want to wake up from..*" I'm so happy you're here..so much to tell you"
Zori "Oh my goodness yes, I want to hear all about it, but this fall chill is a bit cold for me." he smiled
[Lady Mercy Dwarvenheart "Let's go inside, by the fire.." *kisses his cheek then takes his hand all she could do was smile*
Lady Mercy Dwarvenheart (Mercyea Resident): *takes his coat and hangs it on the hook...*
Zori "Oh thank you." he sets his hat on the shelf under the cloak and sets his traveling pack against the wall to one side.
Lady Mercy Dwarvenheart *motions him inside near the fireplace*
Lady Mercy Dwarvenheart "please sit"
Lady Mercy Dwarvenheart “Would you like something to drink...eat?"
"Oh warm tea and a biscuit or something." he smiled joyously.
Lady Mercy Dwarvenheart *takes off her bow and rests it near the bench she can't help but watch her Unnca...then she moves quickly to retrieve the tea and biscuits, she calls out from the other room."You're got lucky that I was here..."* returns with tea and biscuits, settling beside him..while she holds out the offerings to him*
Zori "Oh you are always on the move, I know. Had you been away, I guessed that Robyn would know where and when you would return." he suddenly noticed the little creature that followed Mercy around. "What a dear little bear creature, but not a bear. What is it?"
Lady Mercy Dwarvenheart nods "yes, after I left Iron Hills I've been traveling finding some solace on my way to Rivendell.." *smiles from him to her little pal* "I found him on a torn-up raft by the river, I do not what he is or where he came from but he was very sickly and I kept him and tended to him"
"Well of course you did. I would expect nothing less from my Lady of Mercy." he smiled.
Lady Mercy Dwarvenheart smiles "I have not named him yet...He was not the only thing..I've found.."*she looks at him *
Zori "Oh what else did you find? A new bow, or a rare gemstone or something I am guessing."
Lady Mercy Dwarvenheart "Well, you could say he's a gemstone..I've met a Dwarf..I met him many years ago..and was very blunt with him, he was a young arrogant man and we parted ways.. Then I"ve encountered him when I left Iron Hills, in Bree...Then while I was out hunting a few years later..*she pauses to let him take that in*
"An arrogant lad? Did he dishonor you?" Zori's eyes flashed with a bit of blue fire.
Lady Mercy Dwarvenheart *adjusts in her seat she slowly sips the freshly brewed tea, her eyes never leaving her Unnca's.. waits to see his expression* "Oh his youth made him such, and I put him in his place right off..but..in the years that have passed...He's matured..he is from the Grey Mountains"
[09:03] Zori - Eomer (Garrath Resident): "Ah." his face relaxed and the fire in his eyes went out. "From the Grey Mountains, you say? That's an old mining colony. is her a miner then, or perhaps a guard?"
*is he a miner... as he looked at her with curious eyes.
Lady Mercy Dwarvenheart places her cup on her lap,*No..he's not a miner, he travels and hunts..cooks his meats and sells his wares all over. He's not been home from what I gather in a rather long time"
Zori "A wandering hunter? Well, you are one too part of the time. So I assume he has grown up and treats you right. Are you traveling with him then?"
Lady Mercy Dwarvenheart says in a soft voice...as her eyes lift to meet her Unnca's..*"we are attracted to each other, he professes such a love I've only seen in you and Unnca Darlin..and my Elven parents.."*nods* "He has been my traveling companion for a while now..and wishes to court me"
Zori blinked a few times, not instantly comprehending. Then suddenly his eyes went wide and stared straight at Mercy. "A random wandering dwarf?" he shakes his head. "Not a good bet. Not at all." his face twisted into worry.
Lady Mercy Dwarvenheart "He is a good man very respectful..*pauses* "He has given me my first kiss, and has agreed to travel with me and meet my Unnca's..he wants me to be his always"
Zori "He kissed you?!!" The blue fire was showing again.
Lady Mercy Dwarvenheart nods slightly* "We were camping together after a big hunt, and he..leaned over and kissed me..it was unexpected..and nice" *she reaches out to touch his hand*
"Oh, did he ask first if it was OK?" he was still angry-looking.
"He said I was his miracle, * ponders after hearing the words from her mouth, her eyes dropped..* "yes" as she spoke to him in earnest.
Zori's expression softened. "I am sorry I got angry. Just always protective of my Mercy. I am sure he's a nice lad. It does worry me though that he is a wanderer. Does have a town he calls home?"
*does he have a town...He asked
Lady Mercy Dwarvenheart (Mercyea Resident): "He has no stable home, he wanders..hunts and sells his wares...His origin is from the Grey Mountains, * lifts her gaze* He's very kind, respectful...When I arrived in Rivendell with him. He offered to escort me..Unnca Dain was there and he has met with him.."
Nods his head thoughtfully. "And what does Lord Dain think of him as a suitor?"
Lady Mercy Dwarvenheart smiles "yes, although he is concerned about not having a stable home, but said he can see he is a decent enough lad and shows honor"
Lady Mercy Dwarvenheart: "But I will not accept his affections until all of my Uncca's has met him and approve...Zhurin knows this"
"Is he here in Hobbiton now?" Zori asked
"Yes, he's rose early I believe to find people to buy his wares, while he's here in Hobbiton"
"Oh, well then I get to meet him. I will be staying at the Green Dragon. Come find me there when he shows up."
"Oh yes, you know I will...He's taken a room there as well" she happily informed him.
Lady Mercy Dwarvenheart looks to him with a more serious of eyes* "And what of you...How are you?... Have you any word of Unnca Darlin?"
"No word." Zori looks down to hide his sudden tears. "I must always assume he is well. I must hold onto hope."
Lady Mercy Dwarvenheart nods.."That is what we both have is hope, On my way to Hobbiton. Zhurin and I had come across old footprints, seeming to be as Zhurin thought were Dwarves..and one that could have been a hobbit..by some statues..of Trolls no less.
"Statues of trolls?!! Oh, my gods! They ran into trolls!" he wept now open for several minutes, then calmer remarked, "Still they got turned to stone. No doubt Gandalf's doing." his face remained sad and worried, seeing that the company had already encountered one enormous threat and would likely meet others.
Lady Mercy Dwarvenheart setting her cup of tea down, taking his hands in hers soothings states.."There were no signs of trouble or things of that nature. It only appears that they may have traveled that way..but I had not seen a trace of them, but the camp hand old food in a pot.. that had been there a while*
“Trolls do not fail to go underground before dawn, as stupid as they are. They would not have been turned to stone by the sun unless...." he thought a bit more, "...unless they were deceived by someone, likely by someone with magic. I stand by my interpretation. They were likely caught by the trolls and Gandalf managed to deceive the beasts until the sun rose." Zori expressed
Lady Mercy Dwarvenheart "I am not familiar with the tracking of Trolls, but they did not seem to be where they should have been...And if Gandalf is with them, then surely they are well. *reaches up to wipe the tear from his eyes* "I am sorry I should not have spoken out of turn and worry you so"
Zori "No, I am glad you told me. Knowing is so much better than wondering...and fearing the worst." He smiled despite his tears. "If Gandalf is with them, then indeed, they are in good hands."
Lady Mercy Dwarvenheart "I plan to travel back towards Rivendell soon, and if I see anything I will be sure to send you word by a raven." *motions to him if he'd like more tea?"
"I will go with you. In case they come to Rivendell. if I can but see Dwalin, then my heart will be comforted." his eyes streamed with fresh tears, but he was smiling now.
"Or perhaps you and your lad will travel together, in which case I will leave for Rivendell tomorrow."
Lady Mercy Dwarvenheart "Oh, I would very much enjoy your company on the road, and I am sure Zhurin will like that as well if he chooses to return. I am not aware of his plans. Either way, I will return for a short bit."
"Oh I make it a point never to travel with a pair of sweethearts." he laughed. "Not polite at all."
Lady Mercy Dwarvenheart *giggles* "I think, that has yet to be determined, he's not met my Dwarven kin yet..nor even my Elven parents" *setting her cup down* "We will have to find out his plans when you speak with him"
Zori "Yes, I suppose that will work itself out. I am tired from my journey, and though it is the middle of the day, I need to retire and rest a bit."
"Then find a room at the Green Dragon, and I will come to find you when Zhurin returns and we can have dinner?"
Nods. "That is my plan. But goodness it is wonderful to see you. I am torn between napping and staying up with you, but I know I need rest."
[10:19] Lady Mercy Dwarvenheart (Mercyea Resident) reaches out and leans over to embrace him.."I am so happy to see you, and since you will be here a day or so, we will see each other soon...Do rest..or try to at least"
"I love you Unnca Sori, I'll make dinner plans at the Green Dragon...I will come to find you or you find me when you've rested"
"I shall. A fair morning to you my sweet Mercy."
Lady Mercy Dwarvenheart smiles brightly
"Perhaps we can meet for afternoon tea or dinner."
"I would like that very much" she replied
"Elevensies is just around the corner, but I will be sleeping through it." He commented
*giggles* Yes..indeed she beamed at him.
"See, I know a thing or two about Hobbit ways." he winked and turning, fetched his cloak, hat, and pack from the entry hall.
"yes..yes you do" she replied with pride.
Lady Mercy Dwarvenheart gives him her best smile as she sees him at the door.
"All the best." he kissed her cheek again and hugged her again, then departed toward the inn.
Several hours later:
"Mercy!" Zhurin rushed forward as she came into the tavern and pulled her into a hug and kiss.
"How are you, my darling?"
Lady Mercy Dwarvenheart smiles.." I am well..and how did you rest?"
"I rested well and took off this morning to sell dried meat. Managed to sell a few pounds. Just got back. What have you been up to today?" Zhurin said to her.
Lady Mercy Dwarvenheart "come sit..have some food. My Unnca will be down shortly..he's resting"
Lady Mercy Dwarvenheart "I have just been helping around the farm mostly"
"Oh nice, a change of pace, I imagine." He acknowledged
"So you were successful in selling your wares, that is wonderful, *gazes into his eyes* "Yes, different from hunting..tracking..and such" she spoke
Zhurin expressed "not all my wares, still have about 20 pounds to sell." he smiled. Let's go sit-in in the fire room, shall we?"
Lady Mercy Dwarvenheart (Mercyea Resident) nods.."yes"
Zhurin sees the unlit fires and looks to mercy. "Shall we?" he asks pointing to the cold hearths.
Lady Mercy Dwarvenheart shifts her gaze from him to the fire.."yes, it will be warmer if we stoke the flames"
"So this Sori guy, where is he?"
Lady Mercy Dwarvenheart "He journeyed from Iron Hills, he arrived early this morning, now he's resting from his travels. We visited first and I spoke of you..he is eager to meet you"
"Eager huh?" he smirked.
Lady Mercy Dwarvenheart chuckles.."He is one of my Unncas'..did you think it would be different?"
Zhurin chuckles. "No not at all," he said.
"I told you, my Unncas will be very interested in you, especially since you're wanting to spend your life with me" *she smiles.
"That I do." he smiled and learning in kissed her again. "So Sori, what sort of dwarf is he? I mean both what does he do for a living, and what sort of personality does he have?"
Before she could speak she was surprised by his kiss..she just smiled, licking her lips enjoying the taste of him. "He's from Erebor...He and Unnca Darlin are like most are miners..taking great pride in their heritage and life..filled with honor and loyalty., as most Dwarves stubborn and brisk..but he's such a tender heart.."
"Well that is good to know, so I do not touch that tender heart. Nothing gets a dwarf madder than having a stranger get him emotional."
Lady Mercy Dwarvenheart chuckled...You know the stubbornness of Dwarves...*continues to laugh at her joke, not being able to resist reaches up to run her fingers over his beard, catching herself she drops her hand and looks deep into his eyes.."Why me..an Elf?"
Zhurin smiles ironically. "I might as well ask you the same question. Why me, a dwarf? Can anyone fathom the heart or figure out why one person is drawn to another?"
"As you come to understand the love I have for Dwarves, hence my Unncas'..and well..you've displayed kindness a true heart..honorable..and loyalty..and you take pride in who you are."
Zhurin: "Well those virtues are not the property of dwarves alone. You possess them too, as do many humans, elves, and...uh...Hobbits. Did I say it right?"
Lady Mercy Dwarvenheart smiles. "You said it perfectly, and many do hold those qualities..not many are true to themselves.."
"Believe it or not that applies to Dwarves too." he chuckled
Lady Mercy Dwarvenheart leans in close whispers.."And something about you..attracts me..though I've not had much in the way of experience.."
He kisses her again.
"Same! I am intensely attracted to you and trying hard to be a gentleman, but I think I am doing well with that."
Lady Mercy Dwarvenheart nods "My Unncas will be sure of that as well... I did want to speak to you, however; I would like to set out for Rivendell again in a few days"
Zhurin: Nods. "That is fine. We can leave whenever you need to. I am selling well and if I have to sell on the way back to Imladris, I can. The Bree folk I sold to loved my jerky and likely have spread the word around."
I know Unnca Sori would like to travel that way, I told him of our findings with the trolls and campsite...He wished to travel that way as well..but feels that threes a crowd and would not want to interrupt our time together while we head back. "
"We sort of breezed through Buckland on the way here. I imagine the Bucklanders might buy some too if you don't mind my spending a few hours there before continuing to Bree. The Bucklanders love to travel, so road food like mine is something they will likely buy." he listened to her report about Zori. "We'll let him make his mind up. Always best with dwarves. Personally, I have nothing against him traveling with us."
Lady Mercy Dwarvenheart: "Oh, I would not mind pausing in Buckland, and I do know better than to tell a Dwarf his mind..*chuckles*
Zhurin "Sure. I often do door-to-door sales and hobbit homes tend to come in rows alongside a road. or street." he smiled.
"I am very much a dwarf at heart.” She spoke
"Hence your title. How did you get that title anyway?" Zhurin replied
Zori: "Hi, Mercy. Oh my goodness did I need that nap. Greetings cousin." he smiled at the other dwarf.
Lady Mercy Dwarvenheart " I tend to pass through most towns and do not stop..so this will be just fine....*smiles* Aye hence my name...*pauses hearing the door..she looks over her shoulder towards the door...beams brightly seeing her Unnca ..."Unnca Sori"!!! hops up to embrace him...
“Yes, you slept rather soundly, I do hope you rested well..."This..is Zhurin of the Grey Mountain..."*turns to Zhurin..this is my Unncal Sori..of Erebor, and the Iron Hills," she said to him.
" At your service," Zhurin said with a bow-nod.
Zori: "And yours. Good to meet you. Mercy told me a lot about you."
Lady Mercy Dwarvenheart (Mercyea Resident): "Drinks..while you two get to know each other...
Lady Mercy Dwarvenheart (Mercyea Resident): "I will get some drinks..please sit"
Zhurin smiled and winked to Mercy, then returned his attention to Zori. "She has told me much of you too, Master Zori, all very complimentary."
Lady Mercy Dwarvenheart passes out the mugs of Ale
Zori: "Same, all good." he smiled. "Let's sit and chat." He sat down on a cushion by the fire. "Oh thank you, Mercy," he said taking a mug from her hand.
Zhurin smiled and mouthed a thank you as Mercy handed him some ale.
Lady Mercy Dwarvenheart nods and smiles as we all settle by the fire
Zori: "Mercy tells me you are a hunter of no small skill and a smoker of meat."
Zhurin: "Yes, though the judgment about my skills is for others to say. But I have a regular clientele among many towns and lands west of the Misty Mountains."
Zori looks to Mercy to hear her appraisal of Zhurin's skills.
Lady Mercy Dwarvenheart shifts her gaze from Zhurin to her Unnca.."It is rather tasty, I believe you'd like it and is very useful on long travels"
Lady Mercy Dwarvenheart: "he's almost a fine a hunter as I am.." starts to laugh*
Zori smiles and nods, "Yes, it would take some sort of super-dwarf to be as good or better than you." He then turns his attention back to Zhurin. "I have known Mercy since she was a tiny little girl and she looks to me as an uncle and calls me that. So I take her trust seriously in evaluating any would-be suitor of hers. Naturally, I worry about the difference in race and culture, more the culture than the race thing. I also worry that you are a traveler with no home of your own unless you consider the Grey Mountains to be such. I would want to know something of your monthly income, so I know my Mercy is not likely to starve or be unable to stay in an inn when visiting a town."
Zhurin nods. "Of course. I take in about 3-5 silvers a pound for my wares, less per pound if the meat is freshly killed and bought fresh. Monthly, about 100 silvers or one gold. As for food and lodgings I have never wanted for the price of such in the last 30 years. The Grey Mountains is my homeland and I visit my family there from time to time. We are heading there soon, after stopping again in Rivendell. I have spent the last forty years of my life among humans, elves, and more recently, Hobbits, so I am very adaptable to cultures and know-how to address an elf in Sindarin according to proper elvish customs and can understand much of it too. And I know how to behave among different folk." he smiled to both Zori and Mercy when he finished answering.
Lady Mercy Dwarvenheart looks from one to another, drinking and listening
Zori: "Well your common tongue is certainly very good. I will take your word on Sindarin since I know very little of it.." he looked again to Mercy for confirmation.
Zhurin smiled and did not appear to be sweating or nervous, despite the internal reality.
Lady Mercy Dwarvenheart smiles and gives a nod, "He's only greeted me in my native tongue, we've not spoken in full conversation, but I do not doubt his words, and he seems to work very hard in understanding and accepting me. He does speak the truth when he talks about perhaps us heading to the Grey Mountains, after our trip to Imladris.
Zori nods and smiles. "And your income seems very adequate. If you choose not to have a permanent home, that is not a great concern, since Mercy's home is in Lothlorien and she is very seldom there. You do know she is a Lady and granddaughter of Lady Galadriel, perhaps the noblest person in all of Middle Earth, equaled only by the heir of Durin or an heir of Elendil if there is one remaining."
Zhurin: "I do Master Zori. I was myself concerned about that, but Mercy comforted me on that account. She can speak for herself." he looked to Mercy to explain.
Lady Mercy Dwarvenheart nods, and picks up the cue, and looks to her Unnca, I had only just recently spoken of who I was, it is not something I am ashamed of nor do I use the title to make me above others. I introduce myself as just Mercy I would like to earn my own merits on myself..as you well know. she nods to Zhurin, he was taken by surprise when we wandered through Lorien," *pauses to take a drink* I am honored and proud of who I am, and what I've accomplished on my own. *looks to her Unnca Sori with pride in her eyes..* "I've been blessed by my Elven family and my Dwarven kin.."
Zori: "Yes, you always have sought to stand on your own merits and that is nobler than a title. I think Lord Dain would agree. I think even Lord Thorin would say so now, even though in his younger years before the dragon he might have said otherwise." He smiled at Mercy and turned back to Zhurin. "So the last concern I have is about your character. Talk to me about that." (He intentionally did not ask questions so as not to tell Zhurin what he was looking for.)
Zhurin swallowed hard. There was nothing for it and honesty was required. "I was a foolish youth many years ago. I flirted with women of all kinds, I played them and then dropped them when I was done. I lied and deceived in my conquests. I do not pretend it was not so, nor justify any of it. Life has since taught me the virtue of the Dwarven Code of Honor. Since then, I have sought always to be truthful, to respect all others, including women, and to have honor and valor. And I believe I have succeeded in this quest and am a better person than I was. I would never dishonor Lady Mercy. She can vouch for me when I say that we have never shared touch more intimate than a respectful kiss and I will not ever press her for such. I seek to make her my life companion. My bride if she will have me. Her honor is every bit as precious to me as my own.
Her eyes widen hearing the full scope of Zhurin had shared, knowing a good portion of this herself to Sori, she finishes her ale setting it on the rug then pushes it aside. She glances from one man to the other.* "of what he speaks and the things I am aware, he speaks true"
Zori smiled. "if so, then I have nothing against this union if Mercy wishes it. I trust her judgment completely. As for the follies of youth we have all committed, I never hold those against a person, if the person displays maturity and virtue in the present. Still, I would ask her to wait a while, perhaps a year or more to verify the virtue she sees now and make her final decision."
Zhurin smiled and nodded respectfully to Zori. He then smiled warmly to Mercy.
Lady Mercy Dwarvenheart nods because she knows his words are wise and would only speak out of love for her. "I assure you my Unnca...I am in no great hurry, nor do I suspect Zhurin would rush me or even himself." *looking to Zhurin and smiles*
Zori smiled and nodded back to Zhurin and smiled to Mercy as well.
"I am no hurry. The best things in life are worth taking time to build right." Zhurin said as he smiled.
Lady Mercy Dwarvenheart (Mercyea Resident): "Would either of you care for food..I prepared some food for us, just in case either of you was hungry, and more ale of course." nods at hearing the words of taking the time..to build..*
Zori: "Certainly Mercy, though I would rather eat here than at a table in the dining hall."
Zhurin nods in agreement.
Lady Mercy Dwarvenheart "Oh yes of course"
Lady Mercy Dwarvenheart “I will go get us some plates...if you will excuse me”
"Of course. So Zhurin, do you have questions for me?" Zori inquired.
Zhurin asked “Do you reside in the Iron Hills?
Zori: "That I do, with my husband Master Dwalin, who is on a quest right now. I was the Head Smith and Miner in Erebor and one of the heads in the Iron Hills now.*he pauses a moment* "Dwalin is a Knight of Erebor and was one of the Captains there and is one in the Iron Hills now."
Lady Mercy Dwarvenheart quietly sets out the full plates of food and a couple more tankards of ale, she slowly kneels placing the plates in front of her Unnca, then to Zhurin, the takes the empty tankards and places the freshly filled ones at their side... places the tray that carried to food on the small table then sits to join them both once more*
"My deepest respect then, for you and your husband." He intentionally omitted anything he knew or had guessed about the quest of Thorin and Company, *figuring Mercy would share anything relevant or perhaps had already done so.* Zhurin says.
Zori: "And Mine for you. Mercy reports you are quite the hunter and nothing less than a chef when it comes to preserving meat." (Ok he exaggerated what she had told him, but giving equal honor was expected.)
Lady Mercy Dwarvenheart picking up her fork she dives into the food without hesitation, as the men spoke, she nodded hearing how wonderful his dried, cooked meat was...Realizing she was not showing any ladylike behaviors as she ate*
Zhurin: "I was deeply saddened by the news of the dragon's conquest of Erebor and the plight of its people. I sent many crates of dried seasoned meat to them over several years at no cost."
Zori: "Oh, then I Have tasted your work. Yes, it is very good indeed. I had no idea who had sent it to us. I think I assumed the King of Rohan had since he sent us much provision during our time of wandering."
Zori smiled broadly. the quickest path to a dwarf's heart was by his palate and stomach.
Lady Mercy Dwarvenheart holds up her fork...hearing the word Erebor being mentioned.." I did not even think about that until you mentioned it..I had some of that myself" then continues to eat nodding*
Lady Mercy Dwarvenheart: "And honey bread" she giggles and winks to her Unnca
Zhurin: "I am honored by such praises. I strive to do my best with everything I do." he smiled and looked Zori in the eyes, not lowering them, nor acting too confident and either way dishonor himself or Zori.
Zori: "Yes. Honey bread. Mercy is quite the baker, among her seemingly endless talents." He turns to Mercy. "And this meal is no exception to that." he grinned widely to her.
Lady Mercy Dwarvenheart (Mercyea Resident): "You are always so kind my dear Unnca, I thought you'd be hungry after your rest as I knew Zhurin would be...but I am no great chef.."
Zhurin: "Indeed. Delicious Mercy. Of course, I know you are a good cook from our meals on the way from Mirkwood. You could turn a common pair of rabbits into a mouthwatering stew"
Lady Mercy Dwarvenheart (Mercyea Resident):: However' I've perfected honey bread...*chuckles as she continues to eat and drink, looks to Zhurin.."just needs a bit more taters precious" (laughs at play on words))
“She is a master of seasoning, same as you. She knows just how to balance a meal with the perfect combination of vegetables and herbs." He was ignorant of her reference to 'precious', but laughed anyway. Zori expressed
Zhurin smirked seeing a more playful side of Mercy than he had hitherto seen. He nodded to Zori. "I am good with seasoning meat to be dried. But with fresh meat, roots, tubers, mushrooms, and greens, she is the better cook."
Lady Mercy Dwarvenheart shakes her head in disagreement as she didn't wish to speak with a mouthful.
Zori: "You are. And that is the consensus among all of the dwarves I know, including Zhurin here. So stop shaking your head." he winked and blew a kiss to her (to be sure she knew he was ribbing her.)
Zhurin nodded to Zori. "You are right, Zori, She is amazing and way too humble about it."
Zori: "Well I am happy we agree on that." He smiled at Zhurin, already liking him.
Lady Mercy Dwarvenheart giggles almost choking as she tried to swallow.." I thank you, " blows a kiss right back and her smile so bright towards him, her heart lighter than it had been in so long*
Zhurin was very happy to see Mercy so full of joy, and he gazed at her, full smile and winking, soundlessly mouthed 'I love you."
Zori noticed Zhurin's gesture and smiled merrily, happy to see evidence of deep affection between them.
Lady Mercy Dwarvenheart (Mercyea Resident) catching Zhurin eyes as he mouthed his love for her, she smiles in acceptance of this..mouths to him.." and I you"
Zhurin beamed and it seemed if he smiled any wider his head would split open. He quietly finished his meal, using better manners than dwarves usually observe.
Lady Mercy Dwarvenheart "I am happy you both can enjoy one of many meals together..."
"I am happy for you two. there is nothing more joyous than the special love two may share." Zori expressed.
"Or the special love of an uncle for a precious niece." Zhurin observed." or hers for him." he added.
"Zhurin and I have spoken about taking the trip back towards Rivendell, Unnca...if you are wanting to travel with us in a day or twos'' time"..*winks to her Unnca knowing the joy in his heart, yet feeling the loss of Unnca Darlin' at the moment... Hoping to show such love for him through her eyes* Lady Mercy Dwarvenheart says to Zori.
Zori: "I would in a heartbeat, but I need to get to Rivendell quickly and you know why. I cannot bear the thought of missing Dwalin if they come there and leave before I arrive."
Lady Mercy Dwarvenheart: "yes, I do fully understand, I will arrive shortly thereafter then"
Zhurin listened and nodded his full understanding of Zori's panic to get there sooner. "If I needed to be somewhere to be sure to meet up with Mercy, I would get there two weeks early and remain until she arrived."
Zori: "Exactly, So glad you get that Zhurin. I cannot rest peacefully until I lie down to sleep in Rivendell having learned that the dwarves did not come there yet."
Lady Mercy Dwarvenheart: "I know Unnca..I know" *her heart breaks for him hoping that their destination sends them in the way of Rivendell, having seen the track, perhaps that would be the case*
Zhurin smiling, nodded to Zori.
Zori smiled at Mercy and Zhurin. "Thank you for understanding. I am a man in love with his spouse. Imagining life without him is unthinkable to me." his eyes began to water and he deftly wiped them on his sleeve and tried to sober up emotionally...
Lady Mercy Dwarvenheart: "You know, we would understand, I would understand and respect your decisions" * reaching over and wipe his tears*
Zhurin just continues nodding to Zori, acknowledging his pain, and respecting him in it.
Lady Mercy Dwarvenheart leans over to gather the plates, and refills the tankards...gazes at both of them*
Zori: "I am alright." he says after letting Mercy help dry his eyes. "I am strong. I could survive tragedy if it came to that. I have already survived an enormous one because of that dragon."
Lady Mercy Dwarvenheart: "yes and very nobly..but you will not be alone"
Zhurin: "You are very strong Master Zori, to have survived that. Tears of love are no discredit to a man, on the contrary, they speak of the depth of his heart, which is a virtue higher perhaps than any other since a deep heart is the root of all virtue."
Lady Mercy Dwarvenheart nods in full agreement
Zori looked Zhurin in the eyes and smiled, nodding his head. "That it is and I see yours is deep as well, as is Mercy's." He turned to Mercy, "You are very fortunate to have met."
Lady Mercy Dwarvenheart smiles, "I think the Goddess was looking down upon me and sent him in my path"
Zhurin: "The Star Queen?" he asked Mercy. "Lady Varda?"
Zori: "I think that is who she means."
Lady Mercy Dwarvenheart smiles.."Well stated Unnca"
Zori: "Aye Lady Varda, goddess of Light to us dwarves and rescuer of the lost."
Zhurin nodded thoughtfully and reverently. "She certainly found me in my wilderness. So did Mercy."
Lady Mercy Dwarvenheart: "There is a peace in the wilderness, to bask beneath the stars...to soak in all the sounds, sights..."
Zori: "I think Zhurin was meaning being lost in a metaphorical wilderness." he looked to Zhurin to see if he was right.
Zhurin: "Yes, the wilderness of folly, then long years in the wilderness of loneliness and fear I would never find true love."
Lady Mercy Dwarvenheart: "Sorry, I tend to get a bit philosophical"
Zori: "Your depth is lovely Mercy, never apologize for it."
Lady Mercy Dwarvenheart whispers: it's the Elf side of me
Zhurin: "It is! Don't change unless the impulse comes from within you and you alone."
Lady Mercy Dwarvenheart (Mercyea Resident): "I can only be who I am"
Zori: "Could not have said it better. Zhurin you sure have a way with words. the soul of a poet I imagine. Right, Mercy, be yourself and you will be the best person you can be."
Lady Mercy Dwarvenheart nods.."Very well said Zhurin.." smiling
Zhurin smiled and gazed with unabashed love at Mercy.
Lady Mercy Dwarvenheart looks to Unnca Sori, hoping he'd approve of her action, as she rose on her knees and extend out her hand to rub Zhurins' beard with the back of her hand, smiling..seeing the love in his eyes..feeling it within his soul
Zori: "Well I will leave you two lovebirds to your romantic fire. I need to go and get more rest before I journey out in the morning."
Lady Mercy Dwarvenheart pulling back and rises..."I do hope you rest well and travel safely
Zori smiled approvingly.
Lady Mercy Dwarvenheart embraces him tight.."I love you Unnca Sori"
Zori "Be well and treat him well. He's a rare gem." he whispered into her ear.
Lady Mercy Dwarvenheart smiles and nods
Zhurin: "An honor to meet you Zori. Safe roads!"