A few days had passed since she said her farewells to her Unnca Thor, and She realized that all her other Unncas were in the Iron Hills. The grief deep in her chest wasn't something that would go away so easily. She knew her bestie Robyn would understand her heart and the loss. She sat down writing out a letter to leave for her dear Hobbit friend, she sealed and addressed it and placed it on the table. As she gathered a few meager belongings, she saddled her horse, making a small whistle for her wolf companion. She mounted her horse and took off down the path, she looked back only for a short bit then looked forward, hoping she would find some peace when she reached her destination.
Back in the Shire, the young hobbit Robyn looked up from the patch of earth she was currently digging in and closed her eyes happy to hear that Mercy have made it to the hills of iron and that she was safe with their unnca dwarfses. Pausing to notice a rather large earth crawler running it's way over her fingers she snabbed it and poked it into her bait can. for fishing later.
Weeks later, Mercy rides up to a gateway on her horse, as she dismounts, she nods and prepares to speak to the guard of the entrance of Iron Hills. She looks from one dwarven guard to the other. "I came to see Lord Dain, if you please."
The guards recognize the heroic elf lady and bow to her, stepping to the sides of the gate. "Welcome, Lady Mercy Dwarvenheart, to the City of the Iron Hills." they look upon the now legendary Dwarf-friend and warrior of the ill-fated Battle of Erebor with respect, awe, and love. She had saved countless lives that terrible day.
As she pulls the saddles from her horse, mercy leans in and whispers in Elvish to her horse, then as she looks back to her wolf companion, she removes the satchels from him as well. She tells them in Elvish, “wander, I will be here awhile." as she pats them both, she watches as they linger a moment then turn and run off, knowing they will return when she needs them. She dispatches a dove with a message of her safe arrival to Robyn, then forces a smile and gives a nod to the guards as she enters. Thank you"
Back in the Shire, the young hobbit Robyn looked up from the patch of earth she was currently digging in and closed her eyes happy to hear that Mercy have made it to the hills of iron and that she was safe with their unnca dwarfses. Pausing to notice a rather large earth crawler running it's way over her fingers she snabbed it and poked it into her bait can. for fishing later.
Mercy follows the path she was directed to take, nodding to those she passed, eager to find her Dwarven kin. The miners point her in the direction of Lord Dain. Stepping in to where Lord Dain was busy she spoke, " Umm Unnca Dain" She hesitated a moment...
Dain spun around to the familiar voice. "Mercy me Ruby Red! Welcome tue th' Iron Hills. My, it ha’ been a long time! How fare yue?" His face beamed with smiling joy and he came to her, wiping sweat from his torso with a rag before offering an embrace.
Mercy returns the warm embrace. Only her eyes show the sadness in them. Hearing him call her the nickname her Unnca Thor had given her, her heart clenches, though she never worried about the dirt and sweat from a hug, knowing the hard work of Dwarves. "I have not been well Unnca Dain, truth be told."
"Oh my guedness! Let us get you somewheres ta rest. I will bet tha journey was arduous." He leads her to the utilitarian bar counter and stools in the tunnel intersection.
Mercy nods slightly, knowing it was not the ride, the journey, that grieved her very soul. Rather, it was the emptiness she had tried to overcome, since seeing her Dwarven kin to Iron Hills three years ago and then just weeks ago, the extra loss of her Unnca Thor, hoping Unnca Dain would assist her in this. She follows him to the stools.

Dain asked, "Ale? It be all we have down here." Mercy gives a small smile, as she takes up a mug, nodding. "So what be troublin' yue?” Dain asked, “Illness o’ tha body or tha heart?"
Mercy replied in a sad tone, "It is not the Elven way to show or have such grief, ‘tis the heart, the soul. My home is empty since I helped assist the dwarves to Iron Hills, and then the saying of farewells to Unnca Thor. My gut tells me something is wrong...and I am not feeling…whole.”
Dain nodded thoughtfully. "I think yue be wrong about that. It be true, elves due nah make a big scene with their emotions, but methinks they feel 'em as deep as any, maybe even deeper. Aye I heard about Thorin. Bounty Hunters! He asked fer help on a quest he be undertakin' ta retake Erebor."
Mercy sits up straight, her eyes brighten. "You say Erebor?" her minds starts working. “Aye, I watched his back on the road to Bree, but he told me as soon as he got to the border, to leave him there, I watched out making sure he was not followed. I've not seen him since, nor do I suspect I shall see him anytime soon, and the other of my Dwarven Kin are here."
Dain explained more. "I told the lads and lasses as came from Erebor, so as they can join him if they wish on this quest. But I will nah risk me own folk, not after the losses we took at the Moria gate. I cannah pit them against the dragon. But, if an the dragon be dead or killed and Thorin calls fer help against an army o’ would be thieves, he has only ta send me a Raven and I will bring an army tue his side." he paused as though weighing whether to say more. Then, all at once, he went on. "He said his plan is ta try an’ steal back tha King’s Jewel, tha Arkenstone, tue rally tha dwarves o’ tha northlands. I daresay if an he can due that an’ the armies of the Blue and the Grey Mountains come, I will be there with me army ta help, even if the dragon still be alive."
A bigger smile crosses Mercy’s lips, and she slaps her leg. "Then I shall journey there...and I understand you do not wish to put your own lads and lasses in danger, I will go in their stead, but I do wish to linger here in the Hills to see my other Unncas if I have your permission.”
Dain shook his head, "Oh I reckon Thorin will want to do this quest secret-like. And due nah tell anyone about it. Wrong tidin’s in the wrong hands can....well...yue know. Stay as long as yue like. I know Dwalin and Zori will be jolly happy ta see yue. And if an he calls fer our help, I will let yue know so yue can come join us."
Mercy tilts her head, “Then you are suggesting that I wait till he sends word?” She ponders his words and nods slightly. "I shall stay and see Unnca Darlin' and Sori, and you of course for a spell.. but I do feel I could be of help to him."
"The best help be the help asked fer,” Dain replied frankly. “If an he be tryin' ta go stealthy-like, then showin' up coul' due more harm than gued. He said Tharkun be helpin’ him." He raised his brows with a smile, indicating he thought this fact was a good bit of news. Mercy crunches up her face. She knew he was correct and nods in understanding, but she wanted to rush out and assist “Yue be young and impetuous, like a young dwarven lad or lass just achin' to go split some orcs open," Dain laughed.
"You know I am not one to sit around and let my kin or others do the work for me, I hold my loyalty and honor…high,” Mercy declared.
Dain smiled and nodded. "Well, an’ that be why we call yue Dwarvenheart." he said. It was a high compliment. Mercy takes a long chug out of her mug, slams it down, smiles brightly for the first time in three years’ time. Dain smiled affectionately. "Dear one, yue be a bright perfect Ruby in our midst. Duenah be in a hurry ta leave us. Yue can stay with me and me boy."
"I would very much like that for a time at least, I look forward to seeing your wee lad and my other Unncas,” Mercy answered enthusiastically.
Doin nodded and made a face of having thought of something grand. "I will invite Dwalin and Zori this eve, fer a welcome dinner in yer honor."
Mercy claps hands together, "Wonderful!"
"Well then we will meet there by the fireplace at sundown." Dain looked satisfied.
Mercy nods, “I look forward to it. I have missed you all so much, and my heart has been heavy.”
"Of course," Dain says with sadness and desire to comfort her in his emerald-green eyes. "Come now, let's get you settled." he stands and waits for her to follow him.
Mercy followed him. She knew that he knew how she felt. Soon they arrive at a fancy looking door in one wall of a sloping tunnel. Dain uses a key to open the door and they enter a fair yet homey royal suite. "This is very beautiful and cozy," mercy declares.
Thorin smiles and tips his head, "I suppose it be." he smiled and chuckled as he led her through an interior door into the bedroom, where besides a large master bed, a second bed had been set up, to which he gestured. "Will this work fer yue?"
"Oh this will more than work; it is perfect. I've been sleeping on the ground for a bit now, my back thanks you for this." she smiled.
Thorin smiled contentedly, "Well then, this be yer home while yue be in th' Iron Hills." he beamed with joy at being able to provide Mercy with comfort and a homely home away from home.
Mercy expounds her feelings thoughtfully, "Each moment I am here my heart lifts, but I still worry for Unnca Thor"
Dain nodded with eyes downcast slightly, "We both due. worry keeps me up at night." he admitted. “Mostly i worry 'bout them bounty hunters." his eyes narrowed with anger. "And who be offerin' payment." he added with a tone of suspicion.
Mercy looks to him with worried questions in her eyes, "Do you think I should have lingered out there a bit more..."
He shook his head a little, "Naht unless Thorin asked yue tue."
Mercy sighs, "You do know how difficult this is for me to stand idle, while he's out there…I know beyond doubt he's very skilled and mindful...I know him and his worth.. I dunnah like to feel helpless.”
Dain chuckled warmly at how quickly she was picking up their local common-tongue dialect. "Well, we can always use yer help here, keepin' tha road t’ Esgaroth clear of orc and goblin scum. Esgaroth be our link ta the rest of tha world, save tha road eastward inta Rhun.”
"My bow is at your service," Mercy affirmed with a respectful nod.
"I knew it would be." Dain smiled and looked with tender love into the eyes of this niece he felt like a father to.
Mercy smiled back with a knowing nod, then memory lit up her face. "How is your lad, I am sorry I only spoke of my grief and had not asked about him." Dain was about to speak, when the bedroom door suddenly opened. "Hiya Mith Merthy" Purinek declared as he ran in. Mercy turns and looks to the little tyke. "Ohh hello little man." Dain smiled broadly, "Well I think he can speak fer himself." He kissed his son. "How fare yue, Purek?"
"I be fine papa!" the boy answered with a childish grin. then turned to Mercy. "I tho happy ta thee yue."
“A real pleasure to see you as well, you are getting to be quite the little dwarf. Are you not just about ready for your name day?” She offers him a big smile.
"Thoon YAY! Thahwee I talk funny. Lotht two teeth." Indeed he was missing both his main top incisors. "Not little, big now!" he made a defiant face, despite his being half of Dain’s stature and less than half his thickness.
Mercy stifles a giggle and kneels down gazing into his eyes. "I was the same when I was small."
Purek smiled a big cheesy grin. "You were little like me wunth. Papa thaid everyone wath."
Dain smiled and watched, his face glowing with immense pride and joy in his son, now age six and only a year from his naming day.
"Aye,” Mercy explained, “we were all small at one point in our lives, pats his shoulder as she rises up. "And you will grow to be a great and honorable Dwarf like your papa"
The boy squared his shoulders. "Yeth I will, right papa?"
"Yue will! if I have anythin' ta due with it." Dain said with a big smile and laugh. Mercy lets out a genuine chuckle, something she had not done in quite awhile
"Yay, I’m gonna be big and thtrong like papa!!" Purek jumped for joy a little, then grinned up to Dain. his eyes just adoring his father.
Mercy watches and listens to him, happy to see his sweet face. “That you are, for that I have no doubt, and soon you'll be carrying a big battle axe and defending all of Iron Hills.”
"And Look!" Purek stuck out his chin and jaw, already darkening with sprouting beard.
Mercy kneels down and reaches out. "Oh my, you have definitely gotten to be a big little guy," she rubs his scruffy beard.
Purek giggled. "One day it'll be long and big like papa'th. Then I'll be tall and thtrong like papa and uthe a big hammer like him and smash orcth!"
"That yue will," Dain laughed and grinned again. Dain’s eyes were wet with joy.
Mercy rises up and nods. "I was like you, so eager to grow and be able to fight. You are a fine lad now."
The boy smiled broadly. "Thank yue Mith Merthy!"
Dain nodded and smiled in approval to Purinek for his good manners. He turned to Mercy. "It be time fer Purek's lessons, so I will be teachin' him about things he needs ta know. We will be in th'other room fer a bit, then ta tha smithy fer some lessons in metalwork." he smiled at Purinek. "He's been working on soft gold up till now, so it di'nah need ta be heated, but taday, we are goin' ta work on copper, which needs a little heatin' ta work it."
"I be old enough ta work hot metal now. Papa taught me all about how to be thafe." Purek insisted proudly.
Mercy smiles then nods, before looking to the little guy. "if an you need a lesson in archery come see me." She smiles and gives him a wink, “Go study hard and listen to your papa."
Purinek got excited and began jumping in place again. "Oh can I papa? Can I larn to shuet a bow from Merthy?" Mercy stifles a giggle.
"O' carse yue can." Dain smiled and nodded. "yue can start tomorrah! I had a bow and quiver made fer yue. No time like tamarrah ta give it ta yue."
Purinek was out of mind with jumping joy. 'YAY!! THANK YUE PAPA!!"
Mercy smiled, "On the morrow I shall be ready for you" The boy bounced even more with greater joy. Mercy cannot help but watch with a beaming face.
Dain laughed and added, "Well you will be a young man in only a year now, so it be time ta learn to defend yerself." he smiled, really happy that the bow and quiver brought his son such joy.
"Oh, Papa I will thtudy hard and do everything Mith Merthy thayth." Purinek turns to Mercy and smiles.
“Then we will have a good time, " Mercy affirmed.
"We Will!!" Purek says assertively, trying to mimic the way Dain talks and looks when being assertive. Then he laughs at his efforts.
"Aye yue will,” Dain agreed. “Now ta tha couch fer lessons. Scuet." he smiles.
The overjoyed boy nods to his papa and runs into the other room to get his books and all prepared for his Papa to teach him reading, writing, history, lore, arithmetic, geometry and so forth. "Thee yue tomorrah, Mith Merthy" he called out as he ran.
“A very fine lad,” Mercy giggles to Dain. “See you,” she calls after Purinek.
Dain takes a moment with Mercy and handed her a key to the suite door. "Come and go as yue please. it be right grand ta see yue Ruby Red." he said with a tender look and tone. He held out his arms to embrace her before joining his son in the parlor.
"Thank you Unnca Dain,” Mercy expresses as she hugs him back.
Dain replied, still hugging her, "Yue be most welcome. And thank YUE fer comin ta see us." He withdrew gently with one last loving smile, then turned to join his son on the parlor couch.
"It fills me with gladness to be here," she said following him.
"Aye. it fills me with the same." the dwarf lord answered.
Soon, Dain could be heard reading out loud in dwarvish and Purinek repeating back as well as he could, despite his lisp.

Mercy sits near them and picks up a book to peruse and working out the words, her mouth forms to make the sounds. “Borith dûnost beogh barzulegur varrev. menthiv sartos sartosvrenht borith azt nagra gedthrall.” she continues to read the dwarven book, working and memorizing each sound to pronounce it properly to herself as to not disturb the lad’s studies.
It was evening and Dain and Purek came in from his smithing lessons. Mercy was still there by the fire reading. They exchanged warm greetings as Purek explained all he had done. Soon Dain and the boy went to the bedroom and emerged some minutes later wearing formal trousers and tunics. The cook was there, and Dain conversed with her briefly about the meal she was preparing before she scampered off to finish her preparations. He and Purek resumed their former seats by the fire and for some twenty minutes they conversed in low voices.
Suddenly, the door opened and in walked two dwarven men. Dain sprang up. "Welcome Dwalin…Zori. Look whue be here." Mercy slides from her seat and rushes over to hug her Unncas. The heaviness in her heart lightens as she hugs them tight.
Zori can hardly speak for joy, "Mercy! it's you! So wonderful to see you!" He returns the hugs and kisses Mercy. then takes a seat on the couch. "How is it you came here?"
Dwalin's jaw drops open and his eyes go wide. as soon as Zori pulls back from their embraces, he rushes to hug Mercy, nearly crushing her in his arms. "Mercy! Mercy! Yue came!?" is all he can say. He holds her like a drowning person clutching a floating log for dear life. Once the initial emotion has been expressed and they calm down, all three go to the sitting area of the Parlor, Mercy to her seat, and Dwalin and Zori to the couch.
Mercy explains, "I have been having a very heavy heart…” then a bright smile forms on her lips as she tells them why she came. “It’s been three years since I helped bringing everyone here, and a few weeks ago, I said goodbye to Unnca Thor, and I just felt so heavy with the grief of not being able to see you all. So, I came…”
Dain sits back and grins at the warm greetings. Does not interrupt. Dain’s son sits sort of wowed by all of this and doesn't know what to say or how to act.
Zori speaks, "Oh, Dwalin and I have both missed you so. My how you have blossomed. Even prettier than before, hardly seems possible."
"Yue have no idea how much we missed yue,” Dwalin added, “unless yue due because yue missed us tue, which I am sure yue did."
Mercy smiles with her eyes, showing how much she had missed them. "I came here because You all are my home, no offense to my Elven heritage."
Purinek listens quietly and wide-eyed as the grown-ups talk, waiting politely. He knows all these people but seeing them all emotional makes him feel awkward and unsure how and if he fits into all of this.
"No offense given; your heritage be as grand as ours." Dain said benevolently.
"Lord Dain speaks truly, and you are our family too." Zori cannot put his big grin away.
Dwalin just keeps staring at mercy, his mouth half open, his eyes wide open. He has no words for his poignant feelings.
Mercy looks to Unnca Dain, gives a polite nod of understanding. These men were a part of her greatest memories of childhood, they were as much a part of her as her Elven parents, looks at the three great and honorable Dwarves, then winks at little Purek. "You are more than just my Unnca's..."
"Papa," Purinek whispered to Dain. "I thought the Dwarvth were the greatetht folk in all the land?"
"We be a great folk, nay greater 'an the elves and nay lesser." Dain explained patiently to his son. Mercy giggles.
Zori does not think it his place to say anything about Thorin, even though he knows about the quest and is worried. "Love-family is just as strong as blood-family, I think. Sometimes stronger."
Dwalin had finally emerged from his state of shock and wordless joy. "That it can be." he agrees with Zori.
Purinek goes silent again. he had always thought blood family was the only kind of family. He realizes now that the world is a lot more complicated than he thought.
"Well said, Zori." Dain saw that the cook had laid their meals on the table and withdrawn. "Dinner be ready on tha table. Let us go and enjoy it, while it be hot."
Mercy nods to her Unnca Sori and Darlin feeling exactly like she did. "I am still very concerned for Unnca Thor, he's out there and there are those that are hunting him, he would not let me go with him, but he said he was being hunted." She shifts in her seat as she gazes at them all, then rises as Dain stands and begins guiding them to the table.
Purinek got up and bolted to the table, full of appetite, and Mercy laughs at the wee lad. Soon everyone was seated before plates of savory pork-ribs with vegetables and plenty of warm, freshly-baked and buttered bread.
Dain invites them with a gesture to pray with him. "Thanks tue the Gods over the sea fer this fued and drink. and fer our lives and health."
"Tue tha Gods!" Dwalin said curtly. Zori had his eyes shut in reverence. "Thanks be to the gods."
"Thankth to the Godth." Purinek said. "Blessed Be" adds Mercy.

All having spoken, the prayer was ended. Dain raises his vessel of ale. "Let's toast Lady Mercy our beloved elven niece fer coming ta see her uncles. Mercy we missed yue mightily and be so happy yue came ta visit us."
"Tue Lady Merthy!!" Purinek blurts out, wanting to be the first to echo his father's toast.
Zori smiles at the dear little Lord. "To Lady Mercy." he rejoins with his drink raised.
"Tue the Lady Mercy! Always our true kinswoman and friend!" Dwalin chimed in with his drink raised.
Mercy lifts the goblet up hearing the toast and smiling as her eyes drift to them. ”And, to you all for having me and taking me in as a child. To Family!!"
Dain drinks deeply to honor the twin toasts. Zori drinks, and Dwalin takes a good long hearty swallow. Purinek knows his getting to drink ale is special. He picks up his small cup and sips a little, still getting used to the odd and strong flavor, and manages not to make a face.
Mercy spoke, "What have you both been doing with yourselves?" looks to her Unnca Sori and Darlin"
Dwalin replied, "We've been well, Mercy. No troubles leastwise. The mines ha' been gued ta us and we be prosperin'."
Zori nods his agreement with Dwalin, and appends his words, "…And happy. We've truly been happy. Not like we were in Erebor, no offense to you, Lord Dain, but that was our home. Yet still, we are happy here." he smiles warmly.
"None taken, Master Zori. I know yue miss yer home in Erebor. I would tue if'an it were my home." Dain said with a gentle compassionate expression and bearing.
Mercy brings the goblet to her lips and drinks it back...swallowing it down, picking up her utensils and pulls the napkin out placing it on her lap as she replaces the silverware on her left. She side-glances over at the little lad, remembering her first taste of Elven wine, releases a small chuckle. Hearing of the life and work from her Unncas in the span of time they had been here. "You both do seem like you've settled in rather well…this makes me very happy. Do you feel, if Erebor was Dragon-free, would you return?”
Dain already knows the answers they already shared with him, but quietly listens. Zori's eyes turn sad and he lets Dwalin speak.
Dwalin clears his throat and grabs Zori's hand under the table. "Prince Thorin asked for 0help in a quest he ha’ begun, ta reclaim the King's Jewel and summon all the hosts of the Dwarves o’ tha three northern realms ta kill the dragon and take back Erebor. I already promised him I woul' come ‘ever he called, and he has, so I will keep me word and go and aid him."
Purinek's ears perked up and his eyes went wide the moment the words 'king's jewel' and 'dragon' were mentioned. Finally, something interesting to hear. It was the first time he had been privy to this information and he listened with rapt attention.
"Dwalin, yue honor yourself, and me,” Dain spoke. “Yue be a Knight of Erebor and keepin’ yer word be an honor tue all the Sons of Durin."
Mercy sits straight in her seat, placing her fork on the table, looks around the table at each one of their faces, hearing the request and the call for Unnca Darlin to aid him, forgetting for a moment what this King’s Jewel was, all she heard was his quest and that he needed help. “So then you are going to help him…when did you hear this news...when do we leave…but…you…” she let’s her eyes move to Sori., “...are going to remain here, and both of you have decided to stay...and when do we leave...?" Her questions just came tumbling all confused and tangled out of her mouth before she could control herself.
Dwalin spoke in a clear voice. "No Mercy, Zori will remain here, and I will go. Zori be no warrior and his gifts in smithing be o’ more value than his needless death. Thorin asked fer dwarves to join him. That be all."
Zori was trying to keep a brave face, but his eyes welled with tears as he still clutched Dwalin’s hand under the table.
Purinek was not grown up enough to really understand all of the implications, but the tension in the air and the distraught feelings of uncle Zori and Miss Mercy were obvious to him. He remained silent and focused his eyes down on his meal. Dain could not add to this either. The feelings of all were powerful and sacred, and now was not the time to trivialize them or trample on them by issuing comforting platitudes. He sat in silent supportiveness and looked each of them with eyes of empathy.
Mercy was incredulous, "Dwarves only?...How many are in the company?…I can fight…I've done nothing but train and practice, and I am proficient in the art of healing, I can be of help!"
Dain made a motion to Mercy, to remind her of their former private conversation. "It nay be as anyone, least of all Thorin, doubts yer abilities or willingness. It be more likely as Thorin wants yue safe."
Zori remains silent, eyes downcast, just holding Dwalin's hand as though to hold it forever. Purinek feels REALLY awkward now and picks at his food, wishing he could leave the room. And, Dwalin stoically nods his agreement with Dain's assessment.
Mercy drops her head only slightly, giving a nod of understanding. "Thank you for reminding me, I do apologize my Unncas, but like you I only wish to help, I will do what I am asked"
Dain nods to her and speaks again. "Your valor be equal ta that o' tha bravest o' dwarves, Mercy. Stand by fer now, as we duenah know how this will turn out and tha time fer yer valor on behalf of Thorin an’ tha Dwarves of Erebor will likely come. Fer now serve our people by keeping the roads from her ta Esgaroth, and in addition, from there through the Great Forest, clear of enemies, so that Thorin's passage eastward may be safer."
Zori lifted his eyes to Mercy with pleading in them, as if to say ‘Please help them so my dear Dwalin may come home to me, or I to him.'
Dwalin looked at Mercy with fire in his eyes. "I trust yue Mercy to help us in this way, ta clear the way we will likely tread."
Mercy nodded, "I will do just that, and keep the passages clear, I shall not leave this post until there is naught to hinder the quest."
Purinek blurted out, "I will go with yue Merthy, tue help you clear the roadth." he looked to Dain knowing his father would not allow him to but wanted to offer all the same.
Dain smiled with pride at Purinek. "Yue be young and not ready fer such a task, my son, but yer willin' heart does yue great honor."
Mercy reassured the scruffy little lord, "More training and a few more inches little man and I would surely take you with me,” she smiles at him, “but as your Papa said not yet."
Purinek met his father and mercy's gazes with pride, but when he lowered his eyes tears fell.
Dwalin spoke in a practical tone. "I will depart in tue days’ time. Thorin sent word tao meet him at a certain home in tha Shire. He said he woul’ leave his mark on the door. Mercy, if an yue wish ta ‘ccompany me tue tha River Anduin, I will welcome it. I will go alone thence south through Rohan and past the wizards' tower, then north through Dunland ta Rhudaur and thence west tue the halflings’ land."
Zori continued to look Mercy in the eyes, to plead silently to protect his beloved husband. Dain smiled in silence, as these plans were beyond his jurisdiction.
Mercy gives a nod, “Then I shall accompany you and then turn my sights to Rivendell and labor to keep all possible passage ways free,” giving her Unnca Sori a look to let him know she'd do all within her power to keep him safe and return him home.
"I shall welcome yer company, and yer bow." Dwalin said with a warm smile.
Zori silently mouthed 'thank you' to Mercy and smiled warmly, his eyes still glistening with tears. Purinek hated being small. He wished now more than ever that he were already grown. He picked at his food, trying not to look angry or sad, as his father had told him such things were unworthy over such a trivial matter.
Mercy returned the warm smiles. She was delighted she had come, being with these men again she found that part of her sorrow was lifted, picking up her fork she dove into her food, looking at all their faces. Using the fork, she points to the food and declares, "This is good!"
Dain relaxed. "Well, it sounds like it be all worked out then. Yue got it right Mercy. Back ta tha meal and drink!!"
Dwalin smiled and nodded to Mercy and Dain, kissed Zori on the cheek, then dove in like there was no tomorrow. Zori happily recieved and returned the kiss, then smiled with relief and resumed his meal.
Feeling all the tension leave the room and everyone happy, Purinek quickly returned to his normal mood. "Lady Merthy goin' ta teach me ta shoot tomorrah" he announced to his Uncles Dwalin and Zori. "Papa thaid it be alright."
Dain smiled and winked to Purek, as he tore succulent rib meat off the bone in his hand. The cook stopped in periodically to refill their plates and drinks, unless someone stopped eating and left something unconsumed on the plate, the dwarvish nuance for 'I can't take another bite'.
"Yes, yes I am," Mercy confirmed as she lifted her glass to take a drink. Some spilled out the side of her mouth and she laughed aloud. “Now, if an I had a beard, that liquid would not have been an issue," she said merrily, taking the napkin to wipe her face and shirt.
"That be ‘cause yue be one year from bein' a man." Uncle Dwalin said to Purek with a wink. He turned to Mercy. "Sometimes I ferget yue nay be a dwarf, and if an some day yue showed up with a beard, I woul' nay be the least surprised."
Zori burst out laughing. "I would. I like your clean pretty elven face. It's....you."
Purinek grinned, sat up straighter and squared his still narrow shoulders, thanks to Uncle Dwalin's words. He ruffled his still incomplete beard to make the hair stand up more. Mercy busts out in more laughter while Dain smiles to Purek and offers a grownup 'respect' nod to him. Purinek beamed with pride. He absolutely loved growing up.
Zori turned to Purek. "How is your anvil work coming along, young Lord?" Zori was often Purek's teacher in smithing when his father was occupied.
"I bet yue be on ta hot metals suen." Dwalin added.
Mercy looks to Purek. “Ill teach you archery...and you teach me smithing?"
Purinek explained with evident pride, "Oh, Papa thtarted me on copper taday. Nay tue hot… nay glowin’ hot, but hot enough to make sure I wore glovth and dinna touch the metal with ought but me tongs an’ hammer." He turned with a big smile to Mercy. "A Deal!"
"Purek did well with copper. Dinnah even burn his gloves once." Dain nodded to Purek. He had begun shortening Purinek to Purek to show that he recognized that his son was not so little any more.
Zori had finished his meal and noted that Dwalin had too. He looked to his husband with a question mark face and Dwalin nodded back and spoke for them. "Thank yue Lord Dain fer tha d'lightful meal. My, it be gued ta have yue with us Mercy. Time fer Zori and me ta get some rest. See yue in tha mornin' hopefully." They departed from the royal residence.
“Yes!” Mercy said to Purek. She folds her napkin up and places on the table, seeing the dinner was over. "That was a wonderful dinner, Thank you."
Dwalin stood to leave. "Safe night ta yue both." Zori stood up as well. "Same from me." he smiled. Mercy hugged both her Unncas
Dain turned to his son. "And time fer yue soon-to-be young man, ta go ta bed tue."
"Aww Papa,” Purek pled, “I wanted ta thtay up longer."
Dain reproved him gently, "Well Miss Mercy needs rest and so due I. Come on. Up and at'em." Mercy smiled. Purek sighed and took his last bite, then slumped off the pillow on the chair, onto the floor and trudged toward the bedroom as though carrying a great burden.
Mercy spoke to Lord Ironfoot, "I shall take my leave as well, has been a long day Unnca Dain. Thank you for this evening.”
"Gued night Mith Merthy!" Purek remembered his manners and had reappeared in the bedroom doorway. Mercy calls tohim, “Good night.”
Dain turned to Mercy "Come ta bed when yue wish Mercy. Purek and I will likely be asleep." Mercy replied that she would. Dain continued, "G’nite ta yue then." He hugged her as Mercy returned the embrace, before turning to join his son in the bedroom.
Wonderful post and RP. Thanks to everyone