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The Valar were the first and greatest of the Ainur, who sang the Great Music in the beginning before Eru Iluvatar. This Music would in turn become manifested as the Cosmos of Eä, and the world of Arda.



Manwë – Air & Wind
Ulmo - Waters
Aulë – Earth & Craft
Oromë – Riding & Hunting
Mandos - Judgement
Irmo – Dreams and Visions
Tulkas – War and Defense
Varda – The Stars
Nienna – Mercy and Compassion
Estë – Healing & Rest
Vairë – Weaver of the Story of the World after it happens
Yavanna – Creator of Animal and Plant life. Queen of Earth
Vána – Flowering and Joy in Nature
Nessa - Dance

The first-made of all the Ainur was Melkor, who fell into darkness and is not counted among the Valar. He has not specific domain of interest, since he alone among the Ainur knew all the mind of Eru Iluvatar.



Elves love Varda, Queen of the Stars above all the Valar, but also love Aulë, Yavanna and Manwë.

Humans do not think much of the Valar and prefer to honor Eru directly.
Dwarves honor Eru, whom they call Barkhurin - Parent of Spirits and Aulë the Smith of the Valar, whom they call Ordanek. They also honor the first dwarves of their line, Barashek - the Great Father - and Marasheth - the Great Mother.


The Beornings, Fae and Ents all honor Yavanna the mother of nature above the other valar.
The Minions of Mordor honor Melkor, also called Morgoth, who was a great and proud Ainu who fell from grace, and was not counted among the Valar.



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