Thorin ate in absent minded silence, neither avid about eating uncooked leaves and roots, nor averse to them. He stewed in silent nervousness. ~ Kili pulls a grape off then tosses it at Bofur. ~ Bofur's quick hand catches the grape mid-air and he pops it in his mouth. "thanks Kili!" he said with a jovial smile.~ Kili chuckles lightly, the pulls another grape popping it in his mouth, he gazes along down the table seeing the others, keeping quiet. ~ Dwalin noticed Thorin's nervous demeanor, but said nothing. He himself was itching to get on with the journey. ~ Bifur, feeling a bit tippsy, falls forward axe head first onto the table.
Elrond: "Gandalf, what really brings you to Rivendell? I feel you came here for a reason. This Journey is no accident."
Gļőrfïndęl looks at all the dwarves and elves assembled. Wondering what can come of it, hoping some good will be the result in the end.
Thorin: "Our business is no concern of Elves." Thorin said stubbornly to Gandalf.

Gandalf: "For goodness sake! Thorin, show him the map." he puts his hand to his forehead.
Thorin: "It is the legacy of my people. It is mine to protect, as are its secrets." Thorin declared defiantly with fire in his eyes.

Gandalf: "Save me from the stubbornness of Dwarves. Your pride will be your downfall. You stand in the presence of one of the few in Middle-earth... ...who can read that map. Show it to Lord Elrond."
Óin: “Safe me from stubbing knees on doors, did Gandalf say?” he asks watching all their faces closely, hearing only half of the words.
Thorin hands the map over to Elrond, despite his misgivings.
Gloin: "THORIN NO!" he frowns and sounds blunt.
Oin continues watching closely as Elrond opens the map. He hopes that the Dwarves' mission is not revealed to those that may try to stop them ...
Elrond: "What is your interest in this map?" He looks a bit concerned and feels there is much more Gandalf has hidden from him.
Bilbo watches silently as Thorin begrudgingly handed Lord Elrond the closely guarded map of Erebor, he had first seen the night Gandalf revealed it at Bag End.
Gandalf see's Bilbo's reaction and doesn't want to say much more at first. He smirks and avoids the facts, "It's mainly academic. As you know, this sort of artifact sometimes contains hidden text. You still read ancient Dwarvish, do you not?
Gļőrfïndęl wonders why the dwarves are such stubborn creatures; Lord Elrond is one of the only person in Middle Earth who knows old languages.
Elrond: Looks at the map and notices marks on the lower edge. He gleams at Mithrandir, knowing this was planned but hidden at first. "Interesting. I need you all to follow me. I can not reveal more here, but I believe I can in at the moon gate."
Gandalf: “Moon runes? Of course! An easy thing to miss." He hopes Elrond can reveal more to aid them as he gets up to follow Lord Elrond.
Thorin follows seething with frustration. It seemed all of his care and wariness was soon to be for naught.
Gloin: "Where is this elf leading us? To the slaughter? After stuffing us like pigs?" he says in a grumpy voice.
Elrond laughs to himself. He knows Gloin is often gruff , but also a kind Dwarf. He knows not to take it personally. ~ Kili looks at his brethren..waits and wonders. Hearing the worry.
Bifur In Dwarvish: “werg ingeitum rast tronjheim ghastgar nagra thargen irânû zeithme” ( "Didn’t liked showing others the map and wondered “What foolishness are these elves up to? Are they leading us astray?")

All had followed Lord Elrond into a pavilion leading to a secret cavern cut out of a rocky cliff with a crystal tableau at one end opening to a wide view of the Rivendell valley floor rising in the distance to a night filled sky of stars and a crescent moon.
Elrond: "Moon runes can only be read

by the light of a moon... ...of the same shape and season as the day on which they were written."
Thorin: "Can you read them?"
Elrond: "Thorin please Place the map on the table of light."
Thorin places map on the table of light. ~ Kili watches and listens not feeling good about anything of this but keeps his thoughts to himself. ~
Bilbo watched closely as the map is unfolded on the crystal tableau. He loved maps, and also runes and letters and cunning handwriting.
Elrond: "These runes were written on a Midsummer's Eve by the light of a crescent moon nearly 200 years ago. It would seem you were meant to come to Rivendell. Fate is with you, Thorin Oakenshield. The same moon shines upon us tonight."
Bilbo had watched breathlessly as the moon revealed secret runes none had seen on the map.

Elrond: Reads the map as the light shines on it "Stand by the gray stone when the thrush knocks and the setting sun with the last light of Durin's Day will shine upon the keyhole."
Bilbo: "Durins Day?" he questions.
Gandalf: "Yes. Durins day. It is the start of the Dwarves' new year, when the last moon of autumn, and the first sun of winter appear in the sky together.
Óin wonders if he has heard correctly. If the elf did say "Durin's Day" then they haven't much time!
Thorin: Deliberated a while then speaks. "This is ill news. Summer is passing. Durin's Day will soon be upon us."

Gloin: "We still have time."
Bilbo: "Time for what?" Bilbo asked.
Gloin: Turns to Bilbo "To find the entrance. We have to be standing in exactly the right spot at exactly the right time. Then, and only then, can the door be opened. That door is sealed by magic. It is a good thing we have a Burglar like you with a keen eye and for the moment ahead when we enter Erebor!"
Elrond: Smiles at Bilbo then turns to Gandalf again. "So this is your purpose, to enter the mountain? Awaken a dark Maia in the depths of Erebor? Is this your purpose as well son of Thrain?"

Thorin: "What of it?" Thorin replied defiantly.
Bifur In Dwarvish: “nos fild menthiv rast rak eta rast ach nithgech eta belgond knurlaf felrast” (Agreed with Thorin “The elves should keep their pointy nose and ears out of our business.")
Elrond: "There are some who would not deem such a dangerous mission wise." He frowns slightly.
Gandalf: "What do you mean lord Elrond?"
Elrond: Looks confidant and raises his brow to Gandalf.... "You are not the only guardian to stand watch over Middle-earth."
Thorin thought this did not bode well for his plans, and went from dwarf to dwarf after Elrond and Gandalf are out of earshot, whispering to them in an almost silent voice "be ready to depart in an hour."
~ Kili gives only a nod ~ Óin nods his agreement discreetly to Thorin ~ Dwalin nodded to Thorin in silence. ~ Bofur smiled his comprehension to his prince and future king. ~ Bifur nodded waiting for Thorin’s signal.

Thorin: "Come lads, let us prepare for bed" he said by way of a ruse. Almost as an afterthought, he remembers to tell Bilbo, but the Hobbit had gone missing.
Elrond continues speaking to Gandalf, "Be carefull my friend. I know the dwarves are strong but understand this. Thorin is important to the alliance. I can not bear to think of him being careless, harmed or worse." He also looks around and notices the Hobbit is gone.
Bilbo had quietly removed himself after overhearing Thorin go from dwarf to dwarf whispering plans which did not seem to include him. Perhaps there was little need for a ‘burglar’ now that destiny had all but blessed the Dwarves quest, and they were now making other plans. He decided to take a long walk alone to think.

Bilbo had spent much of his days taking long walks exploring Rivendell, and had found the gazebo near the Falls, just below the last Homely House of Lord Elrond, to be his favorite place to sit and think. Not since the Shire, had he found such peace and tranquility. He would return there that evening, to think on all he had seen and heard. But he was not alone for long.
Bilbo: “Lord Elrond” said Bilbo, jumping from the bench surprised to see him. “Please excuse me if I have intruded.”
Elrond smiled warmly at Bilbo and sat on the bench to meet Bilbo almost eye to eye, as Bilbo proceeded to make small talk.
Bilbo: “In case I don’t have the chance again, I want to thank you for your hospitality. In the days we have been here, our party and our ponies have been refreshed and made strong again. Our clothes have been mended as well as our bruises, and our tempers soothed with hopes and provisions renewed. “
Elrond: "I am glad we could help. This after all is a refuge"
Bilbo: "My companions may not appreciate

Elven culture as much as I, but if I may speak for them, I know they too appreciate all you have done. Your ability to read the moon runes was indispensable to their quest.”
Elrond smiled, perceiving there might be more on the Hobbits mind than complimenting his elves.
Elrond: "Why are you not with your companions my little friend?"
Bilbo: “Well, since you asked, I will tell you.” pausing to collect his thoughts.
Elrond listens to the Hobbit, wondering why he left the group.
Bilbo: “I’m not sure I will be missed. The truth is most feel I shouldn’t be on this journey. I know they see me as more of a ‘burden’ then ‘burglar’ and the type of gentle folk who can’t fend for themselves in the wild."
Elrond: Smiles, trying to ease Bilbo "Indeed? I've heard that Hobbits are very resilient."
Bilbo: “Really?” said Bilbo surprised. “I doubt the dwarves would share your assessment.” He replied explaining, “When I first met Master Thorin, he asked my weapon of choice. I boasted of my reputation at the Green Dragon Inn for throwing a wicked game of darts... Now I know why he smirked so. Such skills are not of much use against Trolls and Orcs.”
“I know the dwarves had placed great hope in me, but so far, I have only gotten them into more trouble, coming very close to being cooked and eaten by Trolls. I’m sure they don’t know what Gandalf saw in me, and frankly neither do I. These are dangerous lands, which I am clearly not prepared for. I am sure they feel they would have been better served if I had just remained in the Shire.”
Elrond: "Yes, I have heard Hobbits are fond of the comforts of home."

Bilbo: Nodding and looking around Rivendell, he observes, “Considering all the comforts you have here, I imagine the elves are not so very
different than we Hobbits.” smiling wryly and confiding...
Bilbo: “It is true I miss my books and my garden. My maps and beehives. Tea time and second breakfast and sitting on my front bench, reading the morning’s post.” pausing to remind himself, “I was never fond of adventures, but now that I find myself in the middle of one I wonder if I will survive."
Elrond: Laughs "Oh I enjoy my tea as well by little friend. I find comfort in it. And talk, talk is good, like the one we get to share. You seem uncertain indeed," he looks at the sword "A hobbit usually has a rake in his hand, and that which he farms. Yet you hold a sword, and not just any sword.”
Bilbo patted the sword on his belt “Yes, I have this little sword, which is not more than a ‘letter opener’ I am told, and never seen battle. Neither have I, nor do I have the skill to use it, and would gladly give it back to the elves who made it for all the good it will ever do me.”
Elrond: "Indeed? I've heard your Kin have accomplished many great things."
Bilbo felt Lord Elrond, like Gandalf, was referring to the Took side of the family, whom he had stopped comparing himself too with each passing day.
Bilbo: Observes “In these lands, its the swords that do great deeds, and are venerated, not we Baggins.” Mentioning to Lord Elrond the shards of a broken sword he came across laying on an shield in The Last Homely House. “It too probably had a more famous name than me.”

Elrond: "So you have seen it? Narsil laying on the crest of Gondor? The one carried by my friend, an elf friend, King of Minas Tirith; Isildur. You carry one as well. That sword, you will give a name too. For it is now yours, and it will tell you when Orc or Goblin is near."
Bilbo knew his sword had special properties but was shocked at the name he heard spoken…
“Isildur you say? How strange!” telling Lord Elrond of the chest on his fireplace mantle at Bag End known as ‘The Chest of Isildur.
“It bears a white tree on the front and has been in my family for generations.” (1) He explained it was said to have come down from his ancestor, ‘Beedle Of The Vale’ before the first hobbits made their way across the Brandywine river to the Shire.

“The story goes, Beedle had been a simple honey merchant, who found himself caught in a battle fighting for a king, who later gave the chest to him as a gift for his service.” (2)
Elrond: "Yes, long ago. It is a story that I find still difficult to tell. For it cut the ring from the dark lord Sauron, and the ring.... the ring took his kind heart and twisted it into a clouded delusion. (3) Yes your kin was present that day Bilbo. (4) No simple hobbit, for he was brave, wise, and caring. Much like you are no simple Hobbit."
Bilbo: Felt a surge of pride that reached beyond the Tooks, and touched him deeper, for it was a tale of a simple beekeeper, like himself, who had done great deeds. But the tragic tale behind the box on his fireplace mantel saddened him. “I have heard tales of such cursed rings, but have always thought they were stories simply to scare the wee ones.”
Elrond nodded trying to hide the dark memory eclipsing his face of ‘The Ring’ and the dark power and malice poured into it! THE RING! It was lost and he prayed it stay lost. He paused a moment at Bilbo’s concern for a fallen friend and hero, and changed the subject, to say one thing more........ “Bilbo, I fear for Thorin entering Erebor.”
Thorin had been looking for Bilbo to inform him of his plans when he spied Elrond talking with him at the gazebo along the arched path below the lower falls. He stayed in the shadows so that Elrond would not see him, but listened to a conversation he could just hear above the dull roar of the falls.

Elrond: "Bilbo...keep an eye on Thorin.... I fear the sickness will take him over...."
Bilbo looked at him surprised. “What sickness?”
Elrond: "I hope they do not go blindly, as we can not stop them. It is not my place. Yet. Perhaps with you, they have a chance, and maybe you can..... perhaps steer them in the right direction in choices they make. BILBO.... That mountains gold is corrupt. Morgoths corruption ruins deep in the veins of gold of Erebor... that causes the blind sickness I speak of. Thorin must not succumb to it or he WILL FAIL."
Thorin frowned darkly when Elrond implored Bilbo to look out for him and expressed an expectation that he, Thorin, might fall to the gold fever that drove his grandfather into folly and madness. He listened on with anger boiling in his heart.
Bilbo: Nodded sharing his own concerns. "I do worry about Thorin, he is such a noble dwarf, so driven and determined. I worry about all the dwarves whom are brave companions. And I worry about my ability to be of any use to them. If they still need me, I would do what I can to assist them, but I do not know of any sickness, that I have seen." he answers a bit confused, "But yes I will keep a careful watch."
Bilbo however had become very concerned by all Lord Elrond was saying. Until now he believed the greatest danger that lay ahead was a dragon, not Thorin's state of mind. The weight of this additional burden only added to his misgivings and he wished he could be done with the whole business, and simply remain in Rivendell.

Elrond: Stands and smiles at Bilbo placing a hand on his shoulder as he sees Mithrandir approach. "You are always welcome to stay here, if that is your wish, but whatever your decision, I feel that I will indeed see you again."
Bilbo: This was not the first time Bilbo had been taken aback by the Elves ability to read him, but politely responded … “I have heard it is unwise to seek the council of elves, as they will answer ‘yes’ and ‘no’ at the same time.” after Lord Elrond had presented him with two opposing options: Keep an eye on Thorin, or remain in Rivendell?
Elrond’s unexpected offer had brought great comfort to Bilbo that he might end his journey before it became more difficult, but it had also raised his concerns about the dwarves, whom he had shared so much.

Bilbo: "What becomes of the Dwarfs quest?” he asked Lord Elrond. “I could easily call Rivendell home, but what of the Dwarves who yearn for a home of their own?”
But no answer came as Lord Elrond turned his attention towards Gandalf who had approached them.
Gandalf: "Oh there you are."
Elrond: Turns to Gandalf. "Gandalf we must go to council hall. (he turns to Bilbo) Remember you are always welcomed here my friend. I wish you well being."
Bilbo: “Thank you Lord Elrond for your words, and advice.” he said bowing to Lord Elrond. “It has given me much to think about.”
Gandalf: "Oh my Burglar. I am glad you didn't run home. I will see you soon."
Bilbo: Bows to Gandalf as well. "I shall depart you both then, and bid you a good night." turning to walk the terrace to the stairs leading to the path below. Reaching the bottom, he veered off the well-lit path to the shadows nearby, in order to see the moon and stars better against the dark sky and wrestle with the most important question he had yet faced. "Should I go, or should I stay?"
Elrond: "We must go Gandalf, follow me"
Gandalf: "Then I shall follow"

(1) BAG-END BEGINNING (6/18/21) See Parlor/Cattail Fireplace
(4) HEROES AT THE GATE (3/9/21 - see image at right)
Thanks to RPers: Gandalf (MithrandirMaia); Bilbo Baggins (beedle.beedit). DWARVES: Gloin (Kavarek); Thorin (Borelek); Kili (Bloodshroudlord); Óin - Son of Gróin (stormalong.magic); Dwalin (tombombadillok); Bofur (drakealexander1); Bifur (Metalsmyth Greymoon). ELVES: Elrond (anthonytorino); Gļőrfïndęl (ophie); Ka’lyn (Kahlan Milena); Lady Mercy Dwarvenheart (mercyea);
PHOTOS: Ka’lyn & Bilbo. Photo enhancements & videos: Bilbo (beedle beedit). SETS: Gloin (Kavarek) (Please contact Beedle Beedit with any additions or corrections)