Master Varkas, Ambassador, Historian & Lorist, and Counselor to Lord Dain is smitten. Her Holiness, High Priestess Zhaideth of the Iron Hills Temple has taken his heart, not any intent to do so, but merely by power of her astounding beauty, her heart of soft gold, and her shining wisdom and brilliant intellect. Sent together on a diplomatic journey to Bree, things were awkward for Varkas for some time, feeling as he did about her, and hoping, yet doubting she could ever return those feelings. The clouded glass window began to crack during an evening spent dining at the Inn of the Prancing Pony in the human village of Bree, where they were to stay that night. It became evident to Varkas that she cared for him, even desired him. As they returned home to The Iron Hills, conversation confirmed this, and one evening on the banks of the river Anduin, their feelings spilled out. Having returned home, things progressed rapidly.
